Page 81 - Plastics News September 2024
P. 81


          although bio plastic or compostable plastic ma-       ty that consumers do not know. Some consumer
          terials have been found to have low strength or       thinks that all plastic goods are bad for the envi-
          barrier  properties  required  in  their  respective   ronment, some does not differentiate between
          products such as a food container or lifesaving       good and bad plastics as well as do not under-
          syringe etc.                                          stand the issue with sustainable alternatives.This
                                                                perception challenge complicates the opportu-
          Solution: There are statements that technologi-       nity  for  companies  to  get  the  best  packaging
          cal advancements in material science are open-        material that will enhance sustainability as well
          ing up new areas of sustainable plastics that do      as functionality.
          not mean loss of performance. For instance,
          there is a development of new biodegradable           Solution: Knowledge and clarity are the things
          plastics  with  multiple  layers that  possess  the   that can make a difference.
          same characteristics of the conventional plastics
          only that they are eco-friendly.                      To some extent, companies possess the abil-
                                                                ity to reduce this knowledge gap by presenting
          3. Economic Viability                                 accurate information about the sustainability of
                                                                their packaging decisions as well as emphasiz-
                                                                ing on the positive effects of correct recycling or
                                                                disposal of their products.

                                                                5. Regulatory Pressure

          Changing from the normal plastic packaging to
          that that is environmentally friendly is not cheap.
          Introducing novelties to the composition of the       With the increase in publicity on the impacts of
          materials, changing the technological workflow,       environmental degradation on the earth, most
          and recycling all demand money. This is a typi-       governments globally are tightening their laws
          cal economic problem more so to the small firms       on the use of plastics in packaging. Such reg-
          that may not be in a position to afford these         ulations  typically  entail  specifications  for  the
          changes.                                              amount of plastics to be reduced, for the recy-
                                                                clability of the packaging, or for the percentage
          4. Consumer Perception and Demand                     of recycled content to be incorporated. As these
                                                                regulations are meant to promote sustainability,
          Consumers know what they want and they want           they also present themselves as problems in the
          sustainable packaging; however, there is a reali-     sense of compliance and expenses.

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