Page 83 - Plastics News September 2024
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                                                                since the material used is subjected to very rig-
                                                                orous environments and at the same time, there
                                                                is the necessity to use light materials. These
                                                                advanced plastics do not only enhance the ef-
                                                                ficiency of the product and its safety but also
                                                                help in saving energy through light weight vehi-
                                                                cles and aircrafts.

                                                                Recycling and Circular Economy

          sustainable material. The regular plastics de-
          rived from non-renewable sources like petro-
          leum have been under a lot of criticism due to
          its environmental impacts and high pollution lev-
          els due to their non-degradable characteristics.
          Moreover, now there are a plenty of new works
          regarding the creation of bioplastics which origi-
          nated  from  renewable  sources  like  corn,  sug-
          arcane  and  even  algae.  Both  these  bioplastics
          are claimed to be biodegradable, or composta-
          ble which means that they have a much smaller
          effect on global environment. Even there are          Another important component that is going to
          some developed materials that are capable to          be covered in the subsequent part of the pa-
          decompose  faster  in  certain  situations,  that  is   per is the Plastics Technology 2. 0 is the shift,
          why there is no problem with using plastics in        towards a circular economy. In the linear econo-
          both on-shore and off-shore facilities.               my model, plastics are manufactured, used and

                                                                disposed of in the environment in the course of
          Advanced  Materials  for  Enhanced  Perfor-
          mance                                                 their lifecycle. But the new processes should be
                                                                geared towards the firm’s ability to recycle and
          Other than sustainability, the following headed       reuse certain material to reduce the waste flow.
          the list of Plastics Technology 2. 0 is also con-
          cerning the improvement of the plastic materi-        New technologies are being invented to enable
          al’s performances. The developments that have         the recycling process of plastics to their basics
          been observed in the polymer science include          to form new plastics that are as good as new
          the plastics which are stronger, more durable         plastics derived from chemicals. This not only
          and lighter than the conventional plastics. For       helps to cut down the demand of fresh raw ma-
          example, high performance polymer has been            terials but also assist in solving the increasing
          adopted in automobile and aircraft industries         menace of plastic pollution.

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