Page 57 - Plastics News April 2024
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          Navigating The Nano Challenge: Breakthrough

                                                                                 Conductive  and  colourful:  Sample
                                                                                 chips with NEMOBlend.
                                                                                 Within  the  cable  industry,  Nemo-
                                                                                 BLEND's  influence  is  evident  in  the
                                                                                 manufacturing of a plastic tube for ca-
                                                                                 ble braids that facilitates information
                                                                                 transmission.  This  design  not  only
                                                                                 provides  electromagnetic  interfer-
                                                                                 ence  (EMI)  shielding  but  also  elimi-
                                                                                 nates  the  necessity  for  a  previously
                                                                                 essential metal layer. The outcome is
                                                                                 a simplified tube featuring a reduced
                                                                                 cross-sectional  area  and  enhanced
                                                                                 flexibility,  ultimately  streamlining  the
           n  the  ever-evolving  landscape  of  From Lab to Life                production process. Additionally, the
          Imaterials  science,  nanomaterials,   The impact of NemoBLEND extends   incorporation  of  flame-retardant  ad-
          particularly  carbon  nanotubes,  have   beyond the confines of the laboratory,   ditives adds another layer of versatil-
          long been heralded as the "next gen-  finding  practical  applications  across   ity to the product, further expanding
          eration" of advanced materials. Their   various  industries  with  remarkable   its potential applications.
          vast  potential  lies  in  the  capacity  to   benefits.  For  instance,  the  incorpo-  Partnering with Kafrit Group
          impart exceptional properties to the   ration  of  NEMO  masterbatches  in  a  In  the  industrial  production  process,
          matrices  in  which  they  are  incorpo-  plastic radar cover designed for elec-  NEMO receives invaluable assistance
          rated,  particularly  in  terms  of  supe-  tromagnetic  shielding  at  frequencies  from Kafrit Group, known in the plas-
          rior electrical conductivity. However,   ranging from 75 to 110 GHz resulted  tics industry for its compounding ca-
          a significant challenge arises in realis-  in weight savings of 40% compared to  pabilities, additives and masterbatch-
          ing these properties, as nanoparticles   a traditional metal cover.    es.  Notably,  Kafrit  has  also  made  a
          tend to exhibit a natural inclination to                               significant investment in NEMO.
          form agglomerates.                 In  the  automotive  sector,  Nemo-
                                             BLEND  plays  a  crucial  role  in  the  "Kafrit's  strategic  collaboration  with
          Within this quest for ground-breaking   development  of  a  flexible  pipe  for  NEMO  extends  far  beyond  mere  fi-
          solutions, enters NEMO Nanomateri-  transporting  flammable  liquids.  This  nancial  investment.  We  provide  es-
          als, a innovative start-up. Specialising                               sential support in marketing and sales,
          in a distinctive compounding method                                    offering  financial  and  regulatory  ad-
          for  nanoparticles,  the  company  has                                 vice  within  the  international  plastics
          perfected  a  proprietary  processing                                  landscape,  and  serving  as  a  crucial
          technique  of  SWNCT  (Single-Walled                                   manufacturing  arm.  Our  partnership
          Carbon Nanotube) hybrid.                                               is not just about funding; it's about a
          The  NemoBLEND  can  seamlessly                                        deep connection and shared vision for
          integrate  into  any  polymeric  matrix,                               innovation and growth in the dynam-
          granting  plastics  with  remarkable  innovative  solution  not  only  boasts  ic  plastics  industry,"  affirmed  Daniel
          electrical conductivity properties and  excellent   mechanical   properties  Singer, CEO of Kafrit Group.
          electromagnetic  shielding  capabilities  but  also  possesses  the  unique  abil-  Source: Plastics Technology
          suitable for a diverse range of applica-  ity to discharge electrostatic charges,
          tions.                             thereby ensuring enhanced safety and
                                             an extended lifespan.

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