Page 58 - Plastics News April 2024
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         At NPE, Cypet to Show Latest Achievements in Large PET

         Maker  of  one-stage  ISBM  machines  chine for molding these large cubes,  three  machines  installed  in  the  U.S.
         will show off new sizes and styles of  expected to begin prototype produc-  (one started up in February) and two
         handled  and  stackable  PET  contain-  tion in June.                   in Mexico.
         ers, including novel interlocking prod-  FIG  2  Cypet  tooling  system  molds  FIG 3 Cypet now can mold four PET
                                                                                 5-gallon  returnable  water  bottles  in
                                                                                 four  cavities  using  one  extruder  —
                                                                                 said to be a first. Photo Credit: Cypet

                                                                                 New Capabilities
         ucts.                               the preforms horizontally, after which
         FIG.  1  Cypet  one-stage  ISBM  ma-  they rotate to a vertical position for
         chines  are  based  on  a  horizontal  in-  extraction  by  a  robot,  which  places
         jection machine base. Images: Cypet  them in the stretch-blowing cavities.
         Technologies                        Multifunctional Tooling
         At  the  upcoming  NPE2024  show  in   As previously described, Cypet’s one-
         Orlando, Florida, Cypet Technologies   stage ISBM machines are based on an
         of  Cyprus  will  display  PET  contain-  injection molding machine frame (Fig-
         ers  made  on  its  one-stage  injection   ure  1),  to  which  special  tooling  and
         stretch-blow  molding  (ISBM)  ma-  automation  have  been  added.  Pre-
         chines, including several new applica-  form injection and container stretch-
         tions  with  unusual  and  even  unique   blowing cavities are contained in the
         shapes.  As  reported  in  a  February   same mold. The preforms are molded
         2022  Close-Up  article,  Cypet  builds   horizontally, then the cavities rotate to
         machines  for  PET  bottles,  jars,  jer-  a vertical position, where a robot ex-
         rycans,  drums  and  pressure  vessels.   tracts the preforms and places them
         Its  equipment  can  mold  containers   in the blowing cavities located above  According to Sideris, Cypet produced
         from 20 ml up to 120 L or more, but   injection  cavities  (Figure  2).  Among  several “firsts” in 2023. One was its
         it  tends  to  specialize  in  systems  for   recent modifications of the system is  first  machine  producing  5-gallon  re-
         larger containers. In 2022, Cypet an-  a means of rotating the preform be-  turnable  water  bottles  with  a  new
         nounced  its  largest  machine  yet,  ca-  fore blowing to orient the injection-  version  of  an  integrated  ring  handle
         pable of making 1,000 L intermediate   molded  handles  in  a  particular  posi-  (injection  molded  with  the  neck  fin-
         bulk containers (IBCs) from PET. It is   tion.  Business  development  leader  ish) in four cavities (Figure 3). Sideris
         now building its first commercial ma-  Michalis  Sideris  says  Cypet  now  has  says  this  is  the  first  one-stage  ISBM

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