Page 68 - Plastics News April 2024
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          two systems, it was a very difficult task  in gauge variation. I don’t think previ-  a  small  bread  box  —  and  it’s  also
          to get them to work together without  ous auto-profile, air-ring technologies  modular,  so  we  can  mix-and-match
          fighting each other, but ultimately we  from other vendors for rotating dies  modules with capabilities to not only
          effectively reduced thickness variation  were anywhere near 50%; maybe 20-  control the rotation of the die but also
          by 50% on rotating dies.”          25%. But we’re seeing 50%.” And, as  to monitor for bubble breaks, inflate/
                                             Cree notes, on top of boosting qual-  deflate the tube (for non-IBC lines) or
          “Our goal here for rotating die was to
          try to hit the 50% reduction in gauge   ity reducing film-thickness variations,
          variation.”                        this result also cuts material costs and
                                             provides a pathway for a film proces-
          He adds, “But it was quite expensive  sor to meet its sustainability goals.
          for the customer and was complicated
          for Addex to program. The customer   Addex,  however,  learned  something
          had to buy two auto profiles, and you   significant on this first retrofit in South
          can imagine the math of trying to fig-  Carolina that they applied to the sec-
          ure  out  how  to  separate  those  two   ond, more recent system installation
          control algorithms from each other. It   at  Crayex  in  Georgia,  which  took
          was a problem, and we stopped doing   place  in  December  2023.  For  the
          it. But we knew there was an oppor-  South Carolina film processor, Addex
          tunity because of the number of rotat-  basically  integrated  the  auto-profile
          ing dies still in the market and the fact   air  ring  into  the  processor’s  existing
          that other OEMs were having limited   die rotator. But the modularity of its
          success putting auto profiling on these   Gen3 control package enabled Addex
          lines.”                            to go a step further with Crayex.
          So, about two years ago, Addex be-  Jagannathan  states,  “So  now  we  are
          gan talking with blown film processors   taking control of the die movement in
          with rotating dies that needed to im-  concert with what we’re doing with
          prove film quality but couldn’t justify   the  traditional  mapping,  and  that  is
          investing in a brand-new line to do so.    the  system  we  installed  at  Crayex.”
          “We kept hearing from our customers   Jagannathan says that because of the
          that  they  needed  more  quality  from   next-generation  control  technology,
          the lines they had —that because of   the Crayex line appears to be outper-
          the  quality  push  in  the  industry  and   forming the line at the South Carolina  even control the IBC.”
          the  move  toward  sustainability,  they   processor.                  Image  shows  the  internal  design  of
          needed  to  get  better  film  without  Cree  adds  that  the  South  Carolina  Addex’s  new  single-plenum  design
          breaking the bank. One of my biggest  processor has ordered two more air  to more uniformly distribute air flow.
          customers has a lot of rotating dies, so  rings  now  with  the  third-generation  Notice  one  circular  channel  flowing
          we  were  motivated,  and  we  dusted  control  package.  The  first  of  these  clockwise  all  around,  and  a  second
          off all of our old notes to take a fresh  will start up in March. In addition to  going in the opposite direction all the
          look  at  the  problem,  and  installed  the two units already in the field, Ad-  way around.
          our first auto-profiling EGC air ring-  dex is beta testing the Generation 3
          only system (no IGC) on a rotating die  EGC air ring systems at a total of four   Single-inlet air rings can be especially
          line at the plant in South Carolina last  locations, tweaking the technology to   troublesome  on  lines  without  auto-
          March. And the feedback from them  enhance  its  performance  with  each   matic  thickness  control.  Cree  says,
          was that the quality improvement was  startup.                         “Automatic units can compensate for
          dramatic.”                                                             any gauge variations caused by erratic
                                             Adds  Bill  Wilck,  Addex’s  produc-  air-flow distribution, and you can ac-
          Jagannathan, who started up that sys-  tion  manager,  “The  compact  Gen3  tually  see  the  required  inlet  related
          tem, adds, “Our goal here for rotating  controller  is  really  simple  and  easy  compensating  control  effects  in  the
          die was to try to hit the 50% reduction  to  work  with  —  it’s  no  bigger  than  system,  so  lacking  automatic  profile

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