Page 67 - Plastics News April 2024
P. 67


          New Blown-Film Cooling Technologies Set to Debut at NPE2024

                                                                                 In the new air ring, air volume is con-
                                                                                 trolled  by  a  series  of  “fingers”  that
                                                                                 open  or  close  to  put  more  or  less
                                                                                 cooling  air  on  the  film,  which  thick-
                                                                                 ens or thins the film out. On a 12-inch
                                                                                 air ring, there are 168 control zones,
                                                                                 with  200+  control  zones  on  larger
                                                                                 systems. But the real key to this new
                                                                                 technology  is  a  proprietary  mapping
                                                                                 algorithm. When combined with Ad-
                                                                                 dex’s  third-generation  controller,
                                                                                 software and hardware package, the
                                                                                 system regulates not only the air ring
                                                                                 but also the die rotation.
                                                                                 Explains Cree, “On lines with oscillat-
                                                                                 ing haul-offs, the film is turning at the
                                                                                 top, creating a twist that most proces-
                                                                                 sors have heard about, but in this case
              ooling specialist Addex to roll out  The  new  air  ring  system  operates   the  die  is  fixed.  It’s  easier  to  make
          Cnew auto-profiling air ring for ro-  similarly to Addex’s  gauge-controlling   proper  adjustments  if  the  die  is  sta-
          tating dies, and new single-plenum air  EGC-based systems, which are com-  tionary, but rotating dies add another
          ring.                              monly  found  on  stationary  dies,  but   dimension to the auto-profile process
                                             with  several  added  enhancements.
          Addex  is  taking  the  wrap  off  two                                 that  throws  a  huge  monkey  wrench
          new  products  for  blown  film  cool-  Addex previously was able to achieve   into algorithm calculations.”
          ing  at  NPE2024,  May  6-10,  in  Or-  industry standard (for a stationary die)   Adds  Gautam  Jagannathan,  Addex’s
          lando, Florida, Plastics Technology has   50% reduction in gauge variation on   software  specialist  and  senior  field
          learned exclusively.               rotating  dies  only  by  combining  the   service  engineer,  “Our  control  algo-
                                             EGC system with its internal bubble
          One is an auto-profile system for ro-  cooling (IBC)-based cousin, the Inter-  rithm  now  has  to  compensate  not
          tating dies, based on its high-resolu-  nal Gauge Control (IGC).       only for the twist but also the die ro-
          tion EGC (external gauge control) air                                  tation, which turned out to be a seri-
          ring, that’s capable of reducing gauge   At NPE2024, Addex will debut a new   ous mind-bender.  The industry stand-
          variation by 50%. It’s already in oper-  External  Gauge  Control  air  ring  for   ard mapping capability is ±5 degrees
          ation on a single-layer line at a Crayex   blown film applications utilizing rotat-  for stationary dies, but we are getting
          plant in Georgia, and at another undis-  ing dies. A 12-in. air ring will have as   ±1 degree of mapping even on rotat-
          closed film processor in South Caro-  many as 168 control zones. “Fingers”   ing  die  systems,  including  both  the
          lina. While rotating dies are perceived   open or close to direct more or less   twist and the die rotation, and that’s
          by some as passé, the fact is there are   cooling air to specific locations on the   something that nobody else can do.”
          many  still  in  operation,  according  to   bubble as needed. Source: Addex  Addex’s  first  foray  into  auto-profil-
          Addex CEO Bob Cree, particularly on  But with the new system, the IGC is   ing for blown film dates back to the
          blown film lines making stretch films.  no longer required. This significantly   1990s,  when  it  installed  a  system  at
          Cree adds, “We see them operating  cuts the cost of a system down to the   a blown film processor that was us-
          in companies big and small. And many  same  range  as  conventional  systems   ing the company’s IGC. At that time,
          companies running rotating dies think  on stationary dies, but with the same   Cree recalls, “The control algorithms
          the only way they can improve thick-  performance  achieved  with  the  IGC   for the IGC were different from to-
          ness variation is to buy a new line.”  add-on.                         day’s EGC, so when we combined the

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