Page 71 - Plastics News April 2024
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          Bühler launches fully automatic bagging station with Premier Tech

                                                                                 rector  at  Premier  Tech  Systems  and
                                                                                 Automation, adds: “At Premier Tech,
                                                                                 we leverage our decades of expertise
                                                                                 to deliver high-performing, food-safe,
                                                                                 and  cost-effective  automated  pack-
                                                                                 aging  solutions.  This  dedication  to
                                                                                 quality  and  innovation  ensures  that
                                                                                 businesses in emerging markets have
                                                                                 access  to  the  automation  level  they
                                                                                 need to compete. Our solutions em-
                                                                                 power them to enhance their opera-
                                                                                 tional  efficiency  and  product  quality,
                                                                                 ultimately contributing to their long-
                                                                                 term success.”
                                                                                 The CHRONOS OMP-2090 B will be
                                                                                 available  in  all  markets  with  the  ex-
          Swiss  technology  group  Bühler,  in  the  fully  automatic  bagging  station   ception  of  the  US,  Canada,  and  the
          partnership  with  Canadian  packag-  CHRONOS  OMP-2090  B  lifts  open   European Union member states.
          ing equipment manufacturer Premier  mouth bag packaging to the next lev-  Serving  customers  worldwide
          Tech,  announced  the  launch  of  the  el.  Operational  safety  and  precision   with innovative solutions
          CHRONOS OMP-2090 B, a fully au-    increase  overall  mill  efficiency,  max-  What  started  as  a  close  collabora-
          tomatic bagging station.           imise raw material yield, and ensure   tion  between  Bühler  and  Premier
          The  new  bagging  station  was  devel-  safe distribution of the valuable prod-  Tech  in  August  2019  evolved  into  a
          oped  for  a  wide  range  of  powdery   ucts of our customers and partners,”   fifty-fifty  joint  venture  in  July  2020.
          and  other  non-free-flowing  prod-  said Marco Chialina, head of Business   The  aim  of  the  joint  venture  is  to
          ucts. It delivers maximum productiv-  Unit Digital Sense at Bühler.    develop  and  manufacture  new  cost-
          ity  through  reliable,  fully  automatic  The  CHRONOS  OMP-2090  B  fea-  effective  packaging  solutions  based
          operation, outstanding bagging accu-  tures an innovative bag opening sys-  on Premier Tech’s packaging and ro-
          racy and high product and operational  tem that delivers maximum efficiency   botic  palletising  experience.  Operat-
          safety.                            with highly reliable operation. Its in-  ing in Wuxi, China, the joint venture
          As  the  need  for  advanced  and  effi-  novation in bagging accuracy – ±50 g   focuses on serving the food and feed
          cient packaging solutions grows, this   at  2σ  (25  kg)  –  is  made  possible  by   markets  globally.  The  joint  venture
          new  system  for  powdery  products   incorporating  dosing  and  weighing   benefits from Bühler’s know-how of
          is  designed  to  increase  productivity,   technology and intelligent controls. Its   high-quality manufacturing and supply
          ensure  safety,  and  accommodate  a   uniquely robust bag handling concept   chain management in China as well as
          wide range of bags, representing a sig-  delivers optimal uptime and has a ca-  its digital solutions, and Premier Tech
          nificant advancement over traditional   pacity of up to 900 bags per hour (25   contributes with its packaging exper-
          solutions. With decades of combined   kg bags). Its hygienic design coupled   tise and technological expertise in this
          experience in the industry, Bühler and   with  comprehensive  safety  features   field.
          Premier Tech have once again demon-  demonstrates  Bühler's  and  Premier   Bühler  and  Premier  Tech  offer  sys-
          strated their commitment to innova-  Tech’s dedication to high food and hu-  tems from the joint venture as part of
          tion  by  expanding  their  portfolio  to   man safety standards. These features   their overall packaging and palletising
          meet the increasing demand for high-  significantly  optimise  the  profitability   portfolio.  The  partnership  between
          er packaging capacities in mills.    of millers without compromising the   Bühler  and  Premier  Tech  provides
                                             efficiency of their operations.
          “The  performance  and  reliability  of                                Bühler's customers with full access to
                                             Alexis Michaud, Partner Relations Di-  Premier Tech's solution portfolio.

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