Page 70 - Plastics News April 2024
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                                                                                 metres, making it easily accessible.
                                                                                 Attractive  price/performance  ra-
                                                                                 The electric machine is not limited to
                                                                                 a specific product and has short de-
                                                                                 livery times, which is particularly ad-
                                                                                 vantageous when it comes to urgent
                                                                                 replacement  purchases  and  capacity
                                                                                 expansions.  It  is  equipped  with  the
                                                                                 Selogica ND control system as stand-
                                                                                 ard. If required, additional options and
                                                                                 functions such as core pulls and heat-
          tion in the USA and the expansion of  Due to its smaller installation area, the  ing and cooling circuits can be easily
          our international business," said Ger-  new Allrounder fits into existing pro-  integrated and programmed. As a re-
          hard  Böhm,  managing  director  sales  duction grids and lines. Thanks to the  sult, the new electric injection mould-
          and  sftersales  from  the  company's  new  design,  more  machines  can  be  ing  machine  produces  a  wide  range
          German headquarters in Lossburg.   set up in injection moulding produc-  of plastic parts flexibly, efficiently and
                                             tion, resulting in an increased output  reliably.
          "Extending  our  portfolio  of  electric
          machines  helps  customers  to  meet   per square metre.               Flexible  automation  and  applica-
          current challenges such as increasing  Reliable, stable machine technol-  tion
          price  pressure  combined  with  rising  ogy                           The Allrounder 720 E Golden Electric
          costs for labour, energy and materials,   The Allrounder 720 E Golden Electric  can be automated with all robotic sys-
          shorter  product  life  cycles  and  ever   features  high-quality  machine  tech-  tems from Arburg – from simple sprue
          faster product changeovers."       nology  to  ensure  stable  and  reliable  pickers to Multilift linear robotic sys-
          Technical  director  Guido  Frohnhaus  plastic parts production. This includes  tems and six-axis robots. The exhibit
          added:  "To  make  attractive  invest-  a toggle-type clamping unit and direct  is equipped with a Multlift V 30. The
          ment  costs  and  a  quick  return  on  drives from the subsidiary AMK. With  new 'golden' electric machine is inter-
          investment  (ROI)  possible,  we  rely  an  electric  mould  height  adjustment  esting for almost every industry. It is
          on  standardised  equipment  without  system,  mould  installation  heights  of  particularly suitable for less complex
          compromising on quality and perfor-  up  to  800  millimetres  are  possible.  products and cycle times of around 15
          mance. Our new 'golden' electric ma-  The drive components are optimised  seconds or more. Typical areas of ap-
          chine combines high precision with a  for a clamping force of 2,800 kN.  plication include dimensionally stable
          streamlined design at a particularly at-  The proven high-quality Arburg plasti-  housings  for  electromobility,  thick-
          tractive price."                   cising with the "aXw Control ScrewPi-  walled closures for household goods,
          Slim in design and price           lot"  ensures  reproducible  injection   and precision components for medi-
                                                                                 cal technology and the construction,
                                             and  excellent  moulded  part  quality.
          Arburg  has  optimised  the  design  so                                leisure and technical injection mould-
          that the new Allrounder 720 E Gold-  Optimised  mould  venting  with  two-  ing sectors.
          en Electric, with a width of just 1,848   stage mould locking also plays a part
                                             in this. For convenient maintenance,  At  NPE2024,  the  Allrounder  720  E
          millimetres, has a significantly reduced
          installation  area  compared  to  other   the  new  electric  Allrounder  has  the  Golden Electric with a clamping force
          machines  in  its  class.  This  has  been   same easily accessible control cabinet  of 2,800 kN and a size 800 injection
                                             concept as the new hybrid machines.  unit  will  be  producing  razor  covers
          achieved,  for  example,  with  a  new                                 from PP. A 24-cavity mould from Hack
          safety  door  featuring  recessed  han-  Lubrication  unit  and  optional  pneu-
                                             matics  are  located  on  the  operating  will be used. The cycle time is around
          dles. At the same time, the stroke has
          been widened to 1,400 millimetres to   side. The parts chute in the machine  8.5  seconds  and  the  moulded  part
                                                                                 weighs 1.2 grams.
          gain better access to the ejector area.  base has been widened to 850 milli-

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