Page 66 - Plastics News April 2024
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          Nucleating Masterbatches

                                             improve the crystallization properties  terbatches are typically added to plas-
                                             of thermoplastics. They contain a high  tics during the compounding process,
                                             concentration  of  nucleating  agents,  which  involves  melting  the  plastic
                                             which are materials that promote the  resin and mixing it with the additives.
                                             formation  of  small,  well-organized  The resulting mixture can then be ex-
                                             crystals within the plastic matrix. The  truded, molded, or processed in oth-
                                             addition of nucleating additive master-  er  ways  to  create  the  final  product.
                                             batches to plastics can provide a num-  Overall,  nucleating  additive  master-
                                             ber  of  benefits,  including  increased  batches are an important tool for im-
                                             stiffness, improved dimensional stabil-  proving the performance and proper-
                                             ity, enhanced transparency, and faster  ties of plastic materials, and they are
                                             processing times. They are commonly  widely used in a variety of industries,
             andui  has  developed  Nucleating   used  in  the  production  of  products  including packaging, automotive, and
          Kmasterbatches,  a  kind  of  addi-  such as injection-molded parts, films,  consumer goods.
          tive  masterbatch  which  are  used  to   and  fibers.  Nucleating  additive  mas-

          New, affordable PHA-based compounds available for compostable

          film packaging

                                             in 2022 and has since been working  an outstanding balance between stiff-
                                             with different partners to create solu-  ness, strength, tear, and puncture re-
                                             tions using its PHA technology.     sistance, ensuring durability in various
                                             These  new  compounds  are  a  blend   packaging  applications.  The  opaque
                                             of  NatureWorks’  Ingeo  PLA  and   CA1240PF  compound  is  currently
                                             CJ’s  Phact  PHA,  providing  consider-  undergoing tests for home composta-
                                             able performance and environmental   bility, in line with consumers’ growing
                                             benefits  and  offering  brand  owners   demand  for  environmentally  friendly
                                             a  100%  biobased,  industrially  com-  packaging solutions.
                                             postable,  competitively  priced  alter-  The introduction of CA1270P and
                                             native to traditional plastic films.  “CA1240PF  represents  a  major
                                             Phact  CA1270P  (clear)  and  Phact   milestone in CJ Biomaterials' ongoing
                                             CA1240PF (opaque) can be used for   commitment  to  sustainable  innova-
                                             various  applications,  including  food   tion,” said Max Senechal, CCO at CJ
                                             packaging,  produce  bags,  compost   Biomaterials.
                                             bags,  bin  liners  (for  organic  waste   These biobased films offer a com-
             artnership  CJ  Materials  and  Na-
          PtureWorks  yields  versatile  solu-  management),  shopping  bags,  shrink  “pelling  combination  of  perfor-
                                             wrap,  and  labels.  Both  have  carbon  mance, versatility, and environmental
          tions                              footprints more than 50% lower than  responsibility,  reducing  the  world’s
          PHA  manufacturer  CJ  Biomaterials,   those of low-density polyethylene and  reliance  on  traditional  plastic  while
          a  division  of  South  Korea-based  CJ   linear-low-density polyethylene, poly-  supporting  the  transition  to  a  more
          CheilJedang,  has  launched  two  new   ethylene,  polypropylene,  and  poly-  sustainable future.”
          PHA-based  compounds  developed    ethylene terephthalate (LDPE/PE/PP/  CJ Materials is exhibiting at NPE2024,
          for  blown,  cast,  and  machine  direc-  PET)  solutions  traditionally  used  in   booth  S28193  (South  Hall,  Level  1,
          tion orientation (MDO) film applica-  packaging.                       and Science Material Zone).
          tions. The company began producing   Tests revealed both compounds have
          its  Phact-branded  PHA  biopolymers                                             Source: Sustainable Plastics

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