Page 69 - Plastics News April 2024
P. 69


                                                                                 trol,  and  notes  the  single-inlet  ple-
                                                                                 num provided better overall thickness
                                                                                 profile with reduced variability. “This
                                                                                 was unexpected, and it also appeared
                                                                                 to create less turbulence with better
                                                                                 bubble  stability,”  Austin  adds.  “With
                                                                                 multi-inlet  plenums,  you  have  inlet
                                                                                 hitting  another  inlet,  hitting  another
                                                                                 inlet, and you get repeating cases of
                                                                                 internal  turbulence.  In  addition,  the
                                                                                 hose length and bend variations also
                                                                                 common to multi-inlet plenums are all
                                                                                 gone with the single-inlet plenum, so
                                                                                 this coupled with the equal and oppo-
                                                                                 site flows leads to significantly better
                                                                                 overall performance.”

                                                                                 New air ring from Addex has a single-
                                                                                 inlet plenum, eliminating the problem
         control can be a problem.”          Wilck  adds,  “Most  other  single-inlet   moving multiple hoses up and down
         So Addex set a goal to design a single-  plenums  are  shaped  like  a  Nautilus:   to  accommodate  height-adjustable
         inlet plenum that performed equal to   machined in a spiral that starts off big,   units.
         what  it  had  achieved  with  its  multi-  gets smaller as it goes around, and is
         inlet conventional plenum. Its solution   smallest at the very end. But because
         was to apply a regular division design   of all of the constantly changing radi-
         inspired by Dutch artist M.C. Escher,   uses, these types of plenums can be
         in which irregular shapes, or combina-  extremely expensive to make. In fact,
         tions of shapes, interlock completely   it’s actually so expensive to make the
         to cover a surface or plane. Accord-  plenum that way that it has made the
         ing  to  Cree,  what  Addex  devised  is   single-plenum  air  rings  significantly
         a  patent-pending,  dual-counterflow   more  expensive  compared  to  multi-
         plenum design with one circular chan-  ple-plenum ones. The channels in this
         nel flowing clockwise all around, and   new  design  are  round,  therefore  it
         a second going in the opposite direc-  becomes much easier to make.”
         tion all the way around. This creates  At its pilot line in Newark, N.Y., Ad-
         the  Escher  “equal  and  opposite”  ef-  dex  switched  between  the  new  sin-
         fect, resulting in uniform combined air  gle-inlet  design  and  the  multi-inlet
         flowing through the air ring.       unit,  both  without  auto-gauge  con-

         Allrounder 720 E Golden Electric: First World Premiere in the USA

           n an unprecedented move, for the  same name upwards and is the high-  ponent  quality  with  low  investment
         Ifirst time a new machine from Ar-  light at NPE 2024 in Orlando, Florida,  costs and short delivery times.
         burg is celebrating its world premiere  USA. Streamlined in terms of installa-  "The  fact  that  we  are  holding  the
         not in Germany, but on the interna-  tion area and price – this summarises   world  premiere  of  the  new  electric
         tional stage. The new Allrounder 720  its  main  advantages.  The  new  injec-  machine  at  NPE2024  reflects  the
         E  Golden  Electric  with  a  clamping  tion  moulding  machine  continues  to   great  importance  of  the  American
         force of 2,800 kN extends the prod-  stand out for its electric precision and   market for Arburg, our leading posi-
         uct range of the electric series of the  process stability and offers high com-

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