Page 25 - Plastics News August 2019
P. 25


              and/or bottle scrap with their crystalline virgin     IUHHO\ WKURXJK WKH GU\LQJ KRSSHU ZLWKRXW FDXVLQJ ÁRZ
              pellets and dry the blend without sticking problems.  interruptions.
              The key is that there must be a small percentage of    ‡   6KHHW  H[WUXVLRQ  DQG  WKHUPRIRUPLQJ  RI  $3(7
              amorphous scrap and it must be thoroughly blended     containers: The method described above for PET
                                                                    bottles will also work in the production of APET sheet
                                                                    and containers. However, scrap rates encountered in
                                                                    APET container production far exceed those typical in
                                                                    bottle making. The sheet edge trim may total 3% of
                                                                    throughput, while the web skeleton could exceed 50%,
                                                                    depending upon the shape of the containers being
                                                                    produced (square containers can be nested closer
                                                                    WRJHWKHU WKDQ URXQG RU RYDO FRQWDLQHUV   :KHQ \RX
                                                                    add the occasional entire roll of sheet that did not
                                                                    pass muster with quality control, the overall scrap
                                                                    generated in this process can easily exceed 50% of
                                                                    total throughput.
                                                                    :KHQ  SURFHVVLQJ $3(7  VFUDS  WKDW  H[FHHGV       RI
              ZLWK FU\VWDOOLQH PDWHULDO  :KHQ WKH DPRUSKRXV FKLSV   the total throughput of the line, the only plausible
              are heated they will indeed soften and stick to any
              adjacent chips or pellets; however, with the vast     method of handling the high volume of amorphous
              majority of the adjacent particles being crystalline   VFUDS LV WR ÀUVW UH FU\VWDOOL]H LW  ZKLFK ZLOO DOORZ LW
              virgin pellets, any clumps or agglomeration will be   to be dried at the elevated drying temperatures (300
              small, possibly totaling two or three particles but   F to 350 F) required for good drying without it fusing
              seldom more. These small agglomerations will pass     and sticking together in the drying hopper.

                                                                                  25   August 2019  Plastics News
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