Page 58 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 58


          Republic Services recycling volumes drop for


                or  a second  consecutive  year,  waste         the year, the company said in the report, adding
                hauler Republic Services recovered fewer        that “we expect the investments we’re making
          Ftons  of  recyclable  materials  than  in  the       now to accelerate progress toward our 2030
          previous year, according to the company’s 2023        goals.”
          ESG report.
                                                                The company has a 2030 goal of 3.4 million tons
          Republic recovered 2.2 million tons of card-          of key materials recovered.
          board, metal, organics, paper and plastics – a
          decrease of 0.2 million tons from the previous        In 2023, Republic processed 4.3 million tons of
          year and the lowest level since 2017. In 2017-        recyclable material at its 74 recycling  and or-
          2022, volumes hovered between 2.4 million and         ganics facilities across North America, including
          2.6 million, the report showed.                       cardboard (49%), paper (25%), organics (10%),
                                                                plastics (6%), metal (4%), glass (3%) and other
          Contributing  factors  included renovations and       (3%).
          development at major recycling facilities during
                                                                Republic opened the first of its four Polymer

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