Page 59 - Plastics News August 2024
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          Centers in Las Vegas in late 2023 and has start-      sumers generally do a good job of recycling at
          ed construction on the second in Indianapolis.        home, we need to improve access to recycling
                                                                away from home. Single-use packaging is often
          The Indiana center will be co-located with the        consumed on the go, which is why we’re inno-
          first site for the Blue Polymers polyolefins joint    vating ways to increase opportunities for out-of-
          venture with plastics distributor Ravago, and a       home collection.”
          second Blue Polymers plant is planned for Buck-
          eye, Arizona. Republic plans a total of four Poly-    A company spokesperson told Resource Recy-
          mer Center and Blue Polymers locations but has        cling this statement refers to projects that are in
          not yet announced locations for the remaining         the works, and more details would be coming.
          two co-located sites.
                                                                Organics and hard-to-recycle materials
          The Las Vegas center supplies  RPET flake to
          The Coca-Cola Co., which aims to use at least         Republic operates 22 organics facilities in North
          50% recycled material in its packaging by 2030.       America, including Wasteco in Toronto, Canada,
          Other offtake partners include Circularix.            which became part of Republic in 2023.

          The company’s new Salt River Recycling Center         Wasteco removes unsellable foods and liquids
          near Phoenix, which opened in fall 2023 and re-       from their packaging and then generates ener-
          placed the previous facility that burned down in      gy using anaerobic digestion. It also repurposes
          2019, has helped increase the city of Mesa’s di-      solid foods for animal feed and recycles the con-
          version rate from 30% to 60%, Republic said in        tainers. In 2023, Wasteco processed more than
          the report.                                           13,000 tons of food and beverages and diverted
                                                                nearly 450 tons of food as animal feed.
          That center services 1.4 million residents and
          more than 2,000 businesses, with processing           In Northern California, Republic’s anaerobic di-
          capacity of 40 tons per hour, according to the        gestion facility processed 28,000 tons of organ-
          report.                                               ic waste, creating biogas to generate enough
                                                                electricity to power the facility. The facility also
          In 2023, the company spent $176 million on re-        produced 20,000 gallons daily of digestate, the
          cycling infrastructure  and technology  improve-      organic material that remains after anaerobic
          ment projects at 11 of its recycling facilities, help-  digestion that is used at compost sites to add
          ing to increase capacity and capabilities.            moisture and nutrients.

          Republic has deployed robotic arms in nearly          In 2023, Republic partnered with the Indianapolis
          20% of its recycling facilities for tasks such as     Colts football team to offer two e-scrap recy-
          sorting containers or picking out contaminants,       cling events, resulting in the collection of nearly
          and more robotics are expected to be installed        90  tons  of  e-scrap.  Republic  also  recycled  2.2
          in 2024, the report said.                             million pounds of aerosol cans during the year
                                                                and reached 2.1 million pounds of oil recycled, an
          “While many customers and communities are             increase of more than 9% over 2022.
          doing their part to recycle, nationally, the recy-
          cling rate is only 32%,” the company said, citing                           Source – RESOURCE RECYCLING
          the latest U.S. EPA figures for 2018. “While con-

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