Page 60 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 60


          Recycling council emphasizes importance of


                                                                                            The Northeast
                                                                                            Recycling Council
                                                                                            published a “Guide
                                                                                            to Increasing Re-
                                                                                            cycling Supply,” a
                                                                                            resource to help
                                                                                            build up local mate-
                                                                                            rial supply.

                     ith industry-wide attention on build-      a policy guide about supply side strategies to
                     ing up recycled material end user          increase the supply of post-consumer materials
          Wdemand,  the  Northeast Recycling                    to the marketplace.” The new publication is the
          Council is urging materials recovery stakehold-       result of that process.
          ers not to forget about ensuring there is ade-
          quate supply.                                         A majority of the Northeast U.S.-focused guide’s
                                                                case studies are government-led strategies to
          The organization last week published a “Guide         increase supply, but it also highlights efforts
          to Increasing Recycling Supply,” a resource for       spearheaded by nonprofits, MRF operators and,
          stakeholders across the recycling chain. It lays      in areas with container deposit systems, re-
          out a number of ways different stakeholders           demption centers.
          have successfully built up local material supply
          and covers all traditional municipal recyclables.     It points to Prince George’s County’s public
                                                                outreach campaign in Maryland, which includ-
          In announcing the guide, NERC noted that “sup-        ed bilingual communication efforts in high-con-
          ply and demand issues are primary components          tamination service areas where county officials
          to recycling market development.” But the or-         theorized a language barrier was hampering
          ganization expressed that the industry dialogue       proper recycling practices. The case study pro-
          has skewed largely in one direction of late.          vides several lessons county regulators learned
                                                                from the campaign. For instance, when trying to
          “For many years, increasing demand for recy-          reach non-English speaking residents, recycling
          cled materials has taken precedence over sup-         staffers had to get creative: “Attending school
          ply issues,” NERC wrote.                              meetings to promote proper recycling did not
                                                                necessarily work because non-English speaking
          The council in 2023 formed a supply side policy
          committee aiming to “explore, discuss, and write      residents were not attending the school meet-
                                                                ings, hence, the decision was to visit local super-

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