Page 62 - Plastics News August 2024
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          product designers, packaging producers, raw           ♦   Automotive, Electrical & Electronic Product:
          material  suppliers, plastics  recycling machine          Electrolux 900 Series by Electrolux AB
          manufacturers and suppliers of recycled plastic
          products are invited to submit their projects by      ♦   Building & Construction Product: RPS Skim-
          Friday, 18 October 2024. Award winners will be            mer by Fluidra
          announced on the second day of the Plastics           ♦   Household & Leisure Product: Blue Finn Chair
          Recycling Show Europe which takes place at the            by Bywyd B.V
          RAI, Amsterdam from 1 to 2 April 2025.
                                                                ♦   Plastic Packaging Product: Nivea Sun Lotion

          “The quality and number of entries we receive             Bottle by Beiersdorf AG & Morssinkhof Plas-
          for the Plastics Recycling Awards Europe have             tics Heerenveen B.V.
          increased exponentially since the first awards        ♦   Product  Technology  Innovation:  Multi-Color
          in 2017, reflecting  the  outstanding  progress  in       Corporation for NextCycle IML
          the circular use of plastics in Europe,” said Ton
          Emans, PRE president. “The 2025 awards are            ♦   Recycling Machinery Innovation: Discharge-
          designed to inspire all parts of our industry to-         Pro Technology by Powerfil - EREMA Group
          wards greater use of recycled plastics and raise
          the bar of innovation even higher to meet Eu-         The Plastics Recycling Awards Europe are or-
          rope’s mandated recycling targets.”                   ganised jointly by Plastics Recyclers Europe
                                                                and Crain Communications, organisers of PRS
          Matt  Barber,  global events director  at  Crain      Europe. To qualify for an award, entries must
          Communications, added: “Winning a Plastics            meet a number of criteria including that prod-
          Recycling Award Europe is a significant achieve-      ucts and innovations must be designed, devel-
          ment for any brand committed to sustainability.       oped or manufactured in Europe; products must
          While we expect this year's competition to be         contain a minimum of 50% recycled content and
          stronger than ever, I very much encourage all or-     all entries must  promote sustainability  and cir-
          ganisations to showcase their achievements by         cular economy. Detailed criteria and qualifying
          entering.”                                            features for each category are available on the
          The Plastics Recycling Awards Europe 2024
          winners were:                                                                SOURCE – INTERPLAS INSIGHTS

          ♦   Plastics Recycling Ambassadors: Erica Ca-
             naia, CEO, FIMIC and Vicente Olmos Jorge,
             CEO and founder, SINTAC Recycling

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