Page 61 - Plastics News August 2024
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          markets where parents shop.”                          both recycling and their personal roles,” the or-
                                                                ganization wrote in the case study.
          In another example, the guide highlights efforts
          by the Massachusetts state recycling organiza-        That  effort  included  MassRecycle  board  mem-
          tion, MassRecycle, to counter the “negative in-       bers giving media interviews with a formulated
          fluence of recycling misinformation in the me-        approach: They would vet the media outlet to
          dia.” This came after a wave of public attention      ensure they felt it would provide a balanced ar-
          on problems within the recycling world in 2022,       ticle, they would avoid acronyms, they would
          including from a Greenpeace report and the re-        clearly lay out industry background information,
          sulting coverage in an NPR story. MassRecycle         and they would limit their discussion to recycling
          was concerned the news coverage would mis-            within Massachusetts.
          lead local residents into believing the bulk of
          their recyclables were not being correctly pro-       NERC says the supply guide will be a living re-
          cessed, so the organization began a coordinat-        source  that  will  expand  as  more  case  studies
          ed effort to respond.                                 come in.

                                                                                      Source – RESOURCE RECYCLING
          “Media stories implying that recycling is land-
          filled led to the need for professionals to defend

          Entries open early for Plastics Recycling Awards

          Europe 2025

          Key Highlights:                                       chain in Europe are invited to enter.

          ♦   The Plastics Recycling Awards Europe 2025         The seven award categories cover key areas of
             are now open for entries, covering key areas       plastics recycling innovation and the major mar-
             of plastics recycling innovation and the ma-       ket applications for the circular use of plastics.
             jor market applications for the circular use of    They are:
                                                                ♦   Plastics Recycling Ambassador
          ♦   Participants from every part of the plastics
             recycling chain in Europe are invited to en-       ♦   Automotive, Electrical or Electronic Product
             ter.                                               ♦   Building & Construction Product

          ♦   Award  winners will  be announced  on the         ♦   Household & Leisure Product
             second day of the Plastics Recycling Show
             Europe which takes place at the RAI, Am-           ♦   Plastic Packaging Product
             sterdam from 1 to 2 April 2025.                    ♦   Product Technology Innovation

          Earlier than usual, the Plastics Recycling Awards     ♦   Recycling Machinery Innovation
          Europe 2025 are now open for entries. Partici-
          pants from every part of the plastics recycling       Brand owners, retailers, product manufacturers,

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