Page 74 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 74


          Dow adds new technologies at Pack Studios in


                                                                polyethylene packaging designs that would oth-
                                                                erwise consist of multimaterial, non-recyclable

                                                                “This equipment will be leveraged to help inform
                                                                best practices in design and production across
                                                                Dow’s global regions.”

                                                                The cast film line upgrade at Pack Studios ex-
                                                                pands Dow’s development and testing capa-
                                                                bilities, particularly for industrial and commercial
          T      he additions include an MDO unit and an        packaging customers.

                 upgraded cast film line.
                                                                Equipped with seven extruders and a six-com-
                 Chemical company Dow has unveiled its          ponent blending system, the line is set to aid in
          two latest technology advancements at its Pack        the design of next-generation cast films.
          Studios facility in Freeport, Texas, US, further      Dow’s materials are known for producing high-
          expanding the company’s capabilities.                 performance films and packaging that ensure
          The investment is intended to expedite the de-        the  efficient  transport  of goods  with  minimal
          velopment of circular packaging solutions.            product damage.

          The new additions include a machine direction         The new semicommercial line features a fully au-
          orientation (MDO) unit and an upgraded cast           tomated winding section, enhancing safety fea-
          film line, both designed to support the creation      tures and representing a first in automation for
          of recyclable packaging options.                      Dow Pack Studios.

          The newly installed MDO unit, which is part of        Additionally, each line at Pack Studios is fitted
          Dow’s nine-layer blown film line, is touted as the    with an EREMA pelletising unit that can function
          only in-line, commercial-scale MDO with pilot ca-     as a standalone system.
          pabilities in North America.                          This allows for the production of in-house recy-
          This film-making technology is essential for pro-     cled materials for evaluation purposes.
          ducing durable, high-functioning films and is a       Pack Studios was introduced 12 years ago to fa-
          pivotal tool in testing the performance of plastic    cilitate partnerships and encourage cooperation
          films for recycling.                                  in the packaging industry.

          Dow Packaging and Specialty Plastics business         The  facility  provides a  collaborative space  for
          Value Chain Engagement and Sustainable Pack-          brands and customers to explore packaging in-
          aging marketing manager Kara Stoney said: “This       novations without interrupting their production
          new MDO capability is part of Dow’s ‘Design for       workflows.
          Recyclability’ initiative – offering options for all-
                                                                                         Source – Packaging Gateway
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