Page 75 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 75


          AI enhanced in-mold monitoring improves part

          quality for products with

          A                                                     cess when using compounds with recycled con-
                  new industry consortium called Avidens
                  focuses on real-time detection of anom-
                                                                tent. The fluctuations in material quality appear
                  alies during the molding process, allow-
          ing in-line adjustments.                              batch to batch, bag to bag, or sometimes cycle
                                                                to cycle.

          Recent and upcoming European legislation and          Recyclers and machine producers are already
          directives as for WEEE and automotive compo-          developing  different  processes  to  ensure  the
          nents are guiding the polymer industry towards        material quality to the best degree and to adjust
          circular economy and a higher degree of usage         the machine parameters a good as possible to
          of recycled polymers.                                 the changing material sheets.

          While recyclers are improving with technologies       However, these technologies cannot see or in-
          to separate plastic  waste and to develop new         terfere, once the material leaves the nozzle and
          compounds out of PIR (post-industrial recycling)      enters the mold. Current technologies like pres-
          and  PCR  (post  consumer  recycling)  materials,     sure sensors cannot look through the material
          the processing industry has different challenges.     or the product and are handicapped to a certain
          One of the key concerns today is maintaining
          consistent part quality during the injection pro-     Exactly this in-line detection of anomalies inside

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