Page 78 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 78


                                                                conveyor carries it to an optical sorter equipped
                                                                with an  AI visioning  system  and near-infrared
                                                                detection. If the optical sorter is programmed to
                                                                remove PET, for example, then the ejected PET
                                                                goes to another AQC-2 dual-arm robot to fur-
                                                                ther clean the PET stream. After that, the clean
                                                                PET goes into a bunker (or bunkers, depending
                                                                on how much material the computer sees in the
                                                                stream and how many bunkers it decides to al-
                                                                locate for the plastic), before baling.

                                                                In this scenario, the mixed containers that
          a single-stream MRF’s container line, uses tem-
          porary storage bunkers and conveyors laid out         weren’t  ejected  by  the  optical  sorter  –  essen-
          in loops to carry mixed containers through the        tially everything other than PET – are conveyed
          same AI-powered optical sorter and robotic unit       back to the temporary storage bunker, before
          multiple times. With each pass, the computer          the computer releases them for another pass
          can automatically reprogram the equipment to          through the sorting equipment. If, for example,
          pull out a different commodity, until the PET, nat-   the value of PET is particularly high and the MRF
          ural HDPE, color HDPE, PP and aluminum cans           operator  wants  to  ensure  all  of  it  is  captured,
          have all been removed. Or the system can target       the computer could give the optical sorter an-
          one valuable commodity during multiple passes,        other pass to pull out any PET that was missed
          to ensure high capture rates.                         on the first try. Or the system could move on to
                                                                the next most plentiful commodity in the stream.
          With the circular layout, the robotic and optical
          sorter can do the work of several units, without      The first system sold to the Canadian MRF is lo-
          the need for human QC, according to BHS.              cated  in  a province  with  a bottle  deposit  pro-
                                                                gram. As a result, the second AQC-2 robot won’t
          Around and around it goes                             just be pulling contaminants out; it will also sepa-
                                                                rate deposit containers, Brooks said.
          Brooks, who is based at BHS’ optical sorter and
          robotics facility in Nashville, Tenn., explained that   The system can sort 6.5 tons per hour, and be-
          the mixed containers first pass under an AQC-2        cause no human sorters are needed, it can run
          dual-arm robot, which pulls out fiber and other       almost 24/7, with only one or two hours a day
          contaminants. This robot’s visioning system also      needed for maintenance, Brooks said.
          analyzes the composition of the stream, gather-
          ing data that allows the autonomous system to         “The beauty of this is it’s set up to run continu-
          decide how to best sort the material.                 ously, independent of what your manpower re-
                                                                sources are,” he said.
          After passing through the first QC robot, the         Building blocks to autonomy
          mixed containers then enter a temporary stor-
          age bunker. When the bunker is full, the comput-      Brooks said the system was only made possible
          er releases the material from the bunker and a        by technological advances over the years. “We

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