Page 79 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 79


          had to put together a bunch of building blocks        rately, he said. The slightly higher price – in the
          to get here,” he said.                                range of 2-3% – is a recognition of the value of
                                                                an autonomous system, he explained.
          Key steps were the development of the MAX-
          AI  robotic  system,  which  uses  a  visioning  sys-  BHS didn’t jack up the price because “we really
          tem to  identify materials by appearance;  BHS’       view this as kind of an enabler that we see going
          Total Intelligence Platform, which uses sensors       forward, not only for our company but really just
          and software to provide real-time data on MRF         trying to drive an initiative toward recycling and
          performance; and the pairing of the AI-powered        recovery,” he said.
          visioning system with optical sorters.
                                                                BHS has a patent covering how the system gath-
          As opposed to a line, the loop approach also al-      ers data and decides how to move and sort ma-
          lows for a much smaller footprint, in the range of    terial – essentially the humanless decision-mak-
          one-sixth or one-fifth the size of a linear system,   ing process. This first container loop is a jumping
          Brooks said. That makes it ideal for urban facili-    off point for other systems with autonomous
          ties without much available space.                    control, Brooks said.

          Brooks noted that the system would also work          “I have this dream of a lights-out facility, where
          for smaller municipalities that have too much         material is brought in, it’s all processed, pro-
          material to sort manually – especially with dif-      cessed material is run out the back, and you
          ficult labor markets – but not enough to justify      have one or two maintenance personnel that are
          buying half a dozen optical sorters and robots.       running  the whole  thing,”  Brooks  said.  “Some
                                                                people tell me that’s a little bit of a pipe dream,
          In terms of cost, BHS has initially priced the sys-   and I’m OK with that.”
          tem at only slightly more than what it would cost
          to buy each of the pieces of equipment sepa-                        SOURCE – PLASTICS RECYCLING UPDATE

          Guill Tool introduces new blow moulding extru-

          sion series

                  uill Tool, a provider of extrusion tool-      extruder layout and, in most cases, accepts ex-
                  ing, offers its Series 1000. This series of   isting tooling. Features include fixed centre or
          Gblow moulding extrusion dies, features               adjustable, built-in cartridge heaters, low inven-
          a core diameter between 8.5 (219.5 mm) – 10           tory, expandable to multi-layer, heated core pin,
          (254.0 mm). Model 1025 uses material blends           one-piece body/flow diverter and split feed bal-
          which are ideal for medical, automotive and spe-      anced flow.
          cialty packaging.
                                                                Most products should be run fixed. Users need
          Guill Tool                                            to change only one component to become ful-
                                                                ly adjustable. The cartridge heaters offer even
          Series 1000 is available as single layer, co-ex-      heat for better flow and ensure there aren’t any
          trusion or triple extrusion. It adapts to existing
                                                                cold spots. Low inventory produces no burning

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