Page 81 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 81


          A fresh outlook for PET thermoform

                                                                latory side, the expansion of deposit programs
                                                                across the country will increase PET thermoform
                                                                concentrations in MRFs by diverting PET bottles
                                                                away from the curbside stream. In Quebec, for
                                                                instance, the newly expanded program will in-
                                                                clude all beverage containers over 100 ml by
                                                                March 2025. On the voluntary side, many brands
                                                                and retailers are turning to PET thermoforms as
                                                                alternatives to harder-to-recycle materials, such
                                                                as polystyrene (PS) trays. In Canada, thermo-
                                                                forms are identified as a preferable alternative

                 ET  bottles  are  often  identified  as  the   to PS in different eco-design resources, includ-
                 most commonly recycled plastic in North        ing in the Golden Design Rules for Plastic Pack-
          PAmerica.  However,  some  technical  and             aging adapted  to the Canadian  market by the
          economic barriers can limit the recycling of oth-     Canada Plastics Pact.
          er PET packaging formats, such as thermofor-          A challenge designed for the Circular Plastics
          med trays and clamshells, from being effectively      Taskforce
          recycled. This represents a significant undertak-
          ing for the industry, knowing that the use of PET     Founded in January 2020, the Circular Plastics
          thermoforms for all types of packaging (such as       Taskforce (CPT) is a non-for-profit organization
          food, electronics, and cosmetics) has increased       that was born out of the unprecedented col-
          significantly over the past few years.                laboration between leading Canadian beverage
                                                                and food companies, packaging manufacturers
          In Canada, PET thermoforms are accepted in            and industry associations. Since its inception,
          curbside collection systems, with a successful        the group’s unique federating approach has at-
          collection rate of over 50%. Currently, the most      tracted the support of government and industry
          common practice consists of mixing PET ther-          partners, positioning it as a leading circularity
          moforms into PET bottle bales, which are then         organization in Canada and North America. The
          sorted and washed to be used into different ap-       CPT’s mission is simple but ambitious: to support
          plications. However, due to their greater brittle-    the building of a circular economy for all post-
          ness, processing PET thermoforms with bottles         consumer plastics put on the market in Canada.
          can lower the overall recycling yield and affect
          the quality of the recycled output, which limits      The work of the CPT focuses on what it calls the
          its use in some end-markets.                          “orphans of the bin.” By that, the CPT means
                                                                resin types or packaging formats that are usu-
          These challenges are only going to be exacer-         ally accepted in Canadian curbside collection
          bated in upcoming years in Canada, as the vol-        systems,  but  don’t  currently  have  a  solid  path
          ume of thermoforms is expected to rise, both for      towards circularity, whether it is due to sorting
          regulatory and voluntary reasons. On the regu-
                                                                issues, inadequate recycling infrastructure or

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