Page 82 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 82


          lack of end markets. In this respect, PET thermo-     their concentration. However, there seemed to
          forms fit the bill perfectly.                         be a lack of supporting evidence to corroborate
                                                                those assumptions as no robust data or research
          After deciding that they wanted to work on ther-      finding could be provided.
          moforms, the first step taken by the CPT was
          to discuss with PET recycling stakeholders to         To fill that gap, the CPT designed a research
          get an overview on the current state of affairs.      project that would test the ability of a PET re-
          The group soon realized that there appeared           claimer to process different thresholds of PET
          to be many conflicting viewpoints amongst the         thermoforms and document the impact on both
          industry on how to handle thermoforms. While          process efficiency and output quality. The pro-
          everyone seemed to agree there was a limit to         ject  management  was handed  to  Michel  Gos-
          the amount that could be processed through ex-        selin, a PET recycling expert, to kick-start this
          isting PET recycling lines, the percentage men-       research with the support of multiple Canadian
          tioned was not consistent and many challenged         PET reclaimers.
          both the feasibility and viability of increasing

          A practical approach                                  (90%) was acquired from a MRF in California,
                                                                where PET thermoforms are positively sorted
          The study tested three different bales with vary-     out to produce thermoform-only bales.
          ing concentrations of PET thermoforms. The
          control sample (approx. 41% thermoforms on            One truckload of each of the three samples was
          total clear PET) consisted of commercially avail-     then sent to a Canadian PET reclaimer with ex-
          able bales that are considered representative of      tensive experience in sorting and washing PET
          standard  residential curbside bales commonly         bales. The trial was done on a washing line that
          processed in Canada. The second sample (64%)          was modified over the years to improve effi-
          was acquired through EFS-plastics and contains        ciency and specifically reduce the generation
          a higher level of PET thermoforms. This material      of  fines,  here  defined  as  flakes  under  1.7mm
          came from a secondary sorting line which recov-       (or 0.07 inches), specifically to produce sheet.
          ers PET from non-PET bales. The third sample          The material was processed through the sorting

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