Page 88 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 88


          The difference between silicone and medical

          grade silicone

                   edical grade silicone rubber is a special-   nants that could potentially cause adverse re-
                   ised type of silicone that meets the bio-    actions when in contact with human tissue. This
          Mcompatibility and safety standards set               high level of purity is essential to ensure suitabil-
          by regulatory bodies like the FDA and ISO. It is      ity in sensitive medical applications.
          formulated for use in medical applications where
          contact with human tissue, blood and other bod-       Another key difference lies in the compounds
          ily fluids may occur. This material is known for      biocompatibility. Medical grade silicone rubber
          its purity, flexibility, durability and resistance to   undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it is com-
          extreme temperatures.                                 patible with human tissues and fluids. This test-
                                                                ing guarantees that the material does not cause
          How does silicone rubber differ to med-               irritation, toxicity or allergic reactions to confirm
          ical grade silicone rubber?                           it safe for use in direct contact with the human

                                                                body. This compares to other silicone rubber
          Medical grade silicone often differs from com-        compounds that may not meet these biocom-
          mercial silicone in several significant ways.         patibility standards and are therefore unsuitable
          These differences are primarily related to the        for many medical applications such as contact
          compounds purity, biocompatibility, regulatory        with human tissue.
          approval and sterilisation capabilities. Medical
          grade silicone is often purer than other grades       Regulatory approval is another factor that distin-
          of silicone and is manufactured under stricter        guishes medical grade silicone rubber from other
          controls to ensure the elimination of contami-        grades. It must comply with the regulations set

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