Page 89 - Plastics News August 2024
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breast implants. Its biocompatibility and durabil-
ity make it ideal for long-term implantation in the
human body. Silicone rubber is also extensively
used in the production of catheters and tubing
which are essential components in various medi-
cal procedures for fluid transfer and drainage.
Additionally, surgical instruments and tools of-
ten feature silicone rubber in their handles and
grips. This material can provide ergonomic ben-
efits that enhance the comfort and precision of
surgical procedures.
by health authorities such as the FDA and ISO Medical grade silicone rubber also plays an im-
to ensure that it meets the highest standards portant role in drug delivery systems. This ma-
of safety and efficacy for medical use. Stand- terial is used in controlled release drug delivery
ard silicone rubber, while widely used in other mechanisms, such as transdermal patches and
industries, does not always meet these specific implantable devices, where its stability and bio-
regulatory requirements. compatibility ensure effective and safe medica-
tion administration. Silicone rubber also has gen-
Medical grade silicone is also designed to with- tle adhesion properties and non-irritating nature
stand various methods of sterilisation, including so is beneficial in wound care products such as
autoclaving, gamma irradiation and ethylene ox- dressings. These features make it an ideal mate-
ide sterilisation, without degrading. This prop- rial for use on sensitive or compromised skin to
erty is important for maintaining the materials promote healing whilst minimising discomfort.
integrity whilst ensuring it remains safe for re- Advantages of medical grade silicone
peated medical use. Other silicone compounds rubber
may not possess the same level of resistance
to these sterilisation processes which could limit This material offers several advantages which
their suitability for medical applications where make it a preferred material in the healthcare in-
sterilisation is essential. dustry. Although medical grade silicone offers a
number of unique properties for medical appli-
How does the medical industry use silicone rub-
ber? cations, some of these benefits are shared with
most silicone compounds which exhibit similar
Seal Direct physical characteristics.
The medical industry uses medical grade sili- The main advantage of medical grade silicone
cone rubber in a wide array of applications due is its compliance and accreditation from various
to its versatility and biocompatibility. One of the regulatory bodies.
primary uses of this material is in implants, in-
cluding pacemakers, hydrocephalus shunts and Medical silicone also offers biocompatibility. This
August 2024 PLASTICS NEWS 91