Page 84 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 84


          This test showed that the IV for the sheet ex-        size. Hence, in the coming month, the organiza-
          truded using the 90% material was lower than          tion will study other components  such as the
          the control sample, which was to be expected.         cost of installing or operating the additional ma-
          The color values were similar for both samples,       chinery or the effects on certain bottle grades
          except for the b* values (i.e. color tend to be       or fiber end markets or processes designed to
          more yellow). However, a difference lower than        produce material for them.
          1.0 is usually invisible to the human eye. Finally,
          the main difference was seen in the haze values.      However, the results show that there is room to
          While this difference is visible to the human eye,    grow with respect to the mechanical recycling of
          the reclaimer reported that the sheet contain-        thermoforms, from packaging design all the way
          ing thermoforms could be sold in some markets,        through end markets.
          with approval from the end customers.
                                                                Through its work, the CPT’s goal is to spark
          Guiding the development of new infrastructure         some new conversations and a cross-border
                                                                dialogue on the future of PET recycling, notably
          To summarize, three main conclusions emerge           through an upcoming webinar in Spring 2024. In
          from this study:                                      the coming year, the CPT will also continue to
                                                                explore ways to deepen the knowledge on ther-
          Equipment is available to sort and process high       moform recycling by building partnerships with
          concentrations of thermoforms when present in         established industry players, such as The Recy-
          the PET stream.                                       cling Partnership and the Association of Plastics
                                                                Recyclers, and by leading research projects and
          Modifications can be made to a wash line to bet-
          ter process thermoforms.                              pilots across North America. Among others, the
                                                                organization plans to look into how increasing

          PCR sheet can be made and formed into ther-           thermoforms concentrations can affect bottle
          moforms of acceptable quality for specific mar-       and fiber production, as well as to assess the
          kets using thermoform-only bales.                     cost implications.

                                                                              SOURCE – PLASTICS RECYCLING UPDATE
          The CPT is aware that those conclusions have
          their limitations, notably due to the small sample

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