Page 85 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 85


          PFAS-free Mold-Release Additive Introduced by


                                                                Additive reduces cycle times

                                                                The additive integrates directly into plastic ma-
                                                                terials and migrates to the surface to facilitate
                                                                de-molding, helping to reduce cycle times and
                                                                boost productivity while protecting the mold and
                                                                manufactured plastic parts. Evoluscend is effec-
                                                                tive across a range of high-temperature poly-
                                                                mers, including PPSU, PES, PSU, PEI, LCP, PPS,
                                                                and PEEK, said Avient. Furthermore, it can be
                                                                combined with polymer colorants where color
                                                                design is desired in a mold-release application.
                   aterials supplier Avient Corp. has in-
                   troduced a mold-release additive for         Key features include:
          Mhigh-temperature polymers that is for-               ♦   High-temperature resistance across a range
          mulated without intentionally added per- and              of polymers, with a maximum service tem-
          polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The new                perature exceeding 150C;
          Evoluscend additive, part of Avient’s Colorant
          Chromatics portfolio, can be used to enhance          ♦   a PFAS-free alternative to traditional prod-
          the high-pressure injection molding process.              ucts, supporting manufacturers' sustainabil-
                                                                    ity goals and regulatory compliance initia-
          PFAS chemicals, aka forever chemicals, are used           tives;
          in a broad range of products but have come un-
          der scrutiny in recent years for their environ-       ♦   lubrication properties, minimizing mold dam-
          mental impact and potential health risks. Glob-           age;
          ally  and  domestically, regulatory  agencies  and    ♦   enhanced de-molding, improving productiv-
          legislative bodies are taking steps to reduce or          ity and throughput.
          eliminate their use.
                                                                                           Source – PLASTICS TODAY

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