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          means  that  it  is  highly  compatible  with  human   tended periods to provide reliable and consist-
          tissues and fluids and can reduce the risk of ad-     ent results.
          verse reactions such as irritation, toxicity or al-
          lergic responses. This property is important for      Flexibility is another physical benefit of most
          medical applications that involve direct contact      silicone compounds. It retains its flexibility and
          with the human body, such as implants, cathe-         elasticity over a wide range of temperatures so
          ters and wound care products.                         is suitable for dynamic applications that require
                                                                the material to bend, stretch and move without
          Another advantage of most silicone compounds          breaking. This flexibility is particularly valuable in
          is its durability. Silicone rubber exhibits a resist-  applications such as tubing, catheters, and sur-
          ance to wear and tear and extreme tempera-            gical instruments, where adaptability is essential
          tures, which ensures its long-lasting performance     for both functionality and patient comfort.
          in various medical applications. Whether used in                        SOURCE - MEDICAL PLASTICS NEWS
          an implant or a prosthetic device, silicone rubber
          maintains its integrity and functionality over ex-

          Building a Future With Sustainable Compounds

                   anufacturers turn to engineering resins      ing the words “continuous improvement.”
                   when high performance, flame retard-
          Mance  or  robustness  to  harsh  environ-            Star’s improvement programs use the DMAIC
          ments are required. Star Plastics meets these         method. “We Define a project, we Measure the
          needs with its custom compounds, which include        performance of that process, we Analyze data
          ABS, nylon and PC materials. Some 36 years of         and implement Improvements, and then we have
          progressive growth in the plastics industry bear      Controls to make sure that the progress and im-
          witness to the company’s success and consist-         provements have stayed,” says Sonja Butler,
          ent quality of its products. But if you walk the      who champions continuous improvement activi-
          halls of the company’s newly renovated West           ties at Star Plastics.
          Virginia offices, you won’t get far without hear-                              Source – Plastics Technology

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