Page 46 - Plastics News Issue December 2024
P. 46


          Jalex Futures Group acquires

          SGH Moulds

                                                                As  part  of  the  transition  following  the  acquisi-
                                                                tion, Martin Jones has been appointed as the
                                                                new Managing Director of SGH Moulds. With
                                                                over three decades of experience in the plastics
                                                                industry, Jones is poised to lead the company
                                                                into its next chapter while ensuring continuity
                                                                and stability. Founding family members Stephen
                                                                and Lynn Howarth will remain involved during
                                                                this transitional phase to facilitate a smooth
                                                                handover of responsibilities.

            n a significant development for the plastics        Jalex Futures was founded by Thompson after
            sector, Jalex Futures Group has announced its       he successfully sold his previous venture, Can-
          Iacquisition of SGH Moulds, a well-established        Track Global Ltd., in 2021. His experiences high-
          player in the plastic injection moulding market.      lighted the complexities involved in selling small
          This strategic acquisition marks Jalex Futures'       and medium-sized enterprises  (SMEs), particu-
          first full buyout since its inception in 2023, posi-  larly regarding succession planning. With this ac-
          tioning the company for substantial growth and        quisition, Jalex Futures aims to provide tailored
          expansion.                                            solutions for retiring owners who may struggle
                                                                with finding suitable successors within their fam-
          SGH Moulds, founded in 1978 by Kevan and Ste-         ilies or organizations.
          phen Howarth, has built a reputation as a trusted
          supplier to numerous international companies          By acquiring SGH Moulds, Jalex Futures not only
          across diverse sectors, including automotive,         enhances its operational capabilities but also
          medical, and industrial applications. With a focus    reinforces its commitment to supporting estab-
          on tool design and manufacturing, SGH Moulds          lished businesses through strategic investments.
          operates  advanced plastic  injection moulding        This move is expected to drive innovation and
          presses capable of handling up to 360 tonnes.         growth within both companies while contribut-
          This impressive capability and extensive indus-       ing positively to the broader landscape of the
          try experience make SGH Moulds an ideal fit for       plastics industry.
          Jalex Futures' vision.
                                                                The acquisition of SGH Moulds by Jalex Futures

          The acquisition process unfolded over approxi-        Group  is a  noteworthy  milestone  that  under-
          mately seven months, from initial discussions         scores the potential for growth and innovation
          to finalizing the deal. Peter Thompson, CEO of        within the plastics sector. As both companies
          Jalex Futures, expressed his excitement about         embark on this new journey together, industry
          integrating SGH Moulds into their growing port-       observers will be keenly watching how this part-
          folio. He emphasized that this acquisition aligns     nership unfolds and what it means for the future
          perfectly with Jalex's strategy to invest in high-    of manufacturing in this dynamic field.
          growth businesses while addressing the press-                            Source: - American Chemical Council
          ing issue of succession planning faced by many
          retiring business owners.

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