Page 48 - Plastics News Issue December 2024
P. 48


          Indian plastics industry.                             Engel has been at the forefront of developing
                                                                energy-efficient machinery and processes that
          The acquisition is part of Engel's broader strat-     minimize environmental impact. By collaborating
          egy to expand its footprint in Asia, particularly in   with Electronica, Engel aims to promote sustain-
          one of the fastest-growing markets for plastics.      able practices within the Indian market, helping
          By partnering with Electronica Plastic Machines,      manufacturers  reduce  their carbon footprint
          Engel aims to leverage the local expertise and        while increasing productivity.
          established market presence of Electronica,
          which has been a key player in the Indian injec-      The partnership between Engel and Electronica
          tion molding sector for over three decades. This      Plastic Machines is poised to create new oppor-
          collaboration is expected to facilitate the intro-    tunities for growth and innovation in the Indian
          duction of Engel's  cutting-edge  technologies        plastics sector. As demand for high-quality plas-
          and innovations to Indian manufacturers.              tic products continues to rise, this collaboration
                                                                will enable both companies to better serve their
          Electronica Plastic Machines specializes in manu-     customers by offering advanced solutions that
          facturing high-quality injection molding machines     meet evolving market demands.
          and has a strong reputation for its customer ser-
          vice and support. With Engel's investment, Elec-      Engel's acquisition of a stake in Electronica marks
          tronica will gain access to advanced technolo-        a significant step  towards enhancing  its global
          gies and resources that will enhance its product      presence and reinforcing its position as a leader
          offerings. This includes integrating Engel's state-   in the injection molding industry. With this strate-
          of-the-art automation solutions and digitalization    gic alliance, both companies are well-positioned
          tools, which are designed to improve production       to capitalize on the growing opportunities within
          efficiency and sustainability.                        India’s dynamic plastics market.

          Both companies share a commitment to sus-                                       Source:- Sustainable Plastics
          tainability and innovation in the plastics industry.

          INGA: The next generation of sustainable

          plastics made from CO2 emissions

                                                                   n a groundbreaking development for the plas-
                                                                   tics industry, Fortum Recycling & Waste has
                                                                Iunveiled INGA, the world’s first biodegrad-
                                                                able plastic created entirely from carbon diox-
                                                                ide (CO ) emissions. This innovative material rep-
                                                                resents a significant step towards sustainable
                                                                plastic production, capturing the value of CO  to
                                                                produce raw materials that are both fossil-free
                                                                and devoid of microplastics.

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