Page 49 - Plastics News Issue December 2024
P. 49
Tony Rehn, head of the INGA development lagged significantly. In 2023, only 9% of annual
team at Fortum, emphasizes the urgent need plastic waste was recycled globally according
to rethink plastic production. "It is time to move to the European Environment Agency and the
away from fossil feedstock," he states. "There is United Nations. Traditional bio-based plastic
an ever-increasing demand for high-quality sus- production faces limitations due to the availabil-
tainable plastics that meet various requirements, ity of raw materials like wood and vegetable oils.
including hygiene, color, and barrier properties.
INGA not only meets these demands but also Rehn explains that INGA aims to complement
biodegrades without leaving harmful microplas- existing recycling methods by promoting a com-
tics behind." prehensive circulation of materials. "We believe
that INGA will pave the way for a new category
INGA is classified as a polyhydroxyalkanoate of responsible plastics," he asserts. "While me-
(PHA) material, known for its biodegradabil- chanical recycling and bio-based solutions re-
ity and versatility. The mechanical properties of main essential, innovations like INGA are crucial
PHAs can be adjusted to suit a wide range of for sustainable plastic production."
applications. INGA’s rigidity and durability make
it ideal for use in electronic appliances, toys, and Fortum plans to begin industrial production of
cosmetics packaging. Additionally, its excellent INGA by the end of the decade. The company is
barrier properties—such as low water and oxy- actively seeking partners to help commercialize
gen transmission rates and high grease resist- this revolutionary product. "Our goal is to have
ance—make it a safe choice for food packaging. the first products made from INGA on the mar-
ket within this decade," Rehn notes.
The production process for INGA continues the
evolution of PHA development by combining The introduction of INGA not only presents an
PHA polymers with additives and fillers to cre- eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastics but
ate a polyester plastic that boasts several key also addresses the pressing issue of plastic pol-
characteristics: lution by ensuring that even if it inadvertently
enters natural environments, it will decompose
♦ Hydrophobic: Water-resistant and does not without leaving harmful residues.
dissolve in water.
As Fortum Recycling & Waste leads the charge
♦ Thermoplastic: Can be melted and reshaped, towards sustainable plastics with INGA, this in-
making it recyclable.
novation heralds a new era in material science.
♦ Biodegradable: Decomposes in various envi- By transforming CO emissions into valuable
ronments including marine, freshwater, soil, resources for plastic production, Fortum is not
home composting, landfill, anaerobic diges- only tackling environmental challenges but also
tion, and industrial composting. setting a precedent for future developments in
biodegradable materials. The potential impact
♦ Malleable: Suitable for diverse processing of INGA on both industry practices and environ-
methods such as extrusion, injection mold- mental health could be profound as we move to-
ing, and dispersion coating. wards a more sustainable future in plastics.
The global demand for plastics is projected to Source: - Interplas insights
triple by 2050; however, recycling efforts have
December 2024 PLASTICS NEWS 49