Page 50 - Plastics News Issue December 2024
P. 50
The role of advanced process
cooling systems
tion of water and refrigerants to transfer heat,
though they require more space and complex
maintenance. Hybrid chillers blend the advan-
tages of air and water systems, utilizing a heat
exchanger to optimize cooling through evapora-
tive processes.
Technological advancements are driving the de-
velopment of more efficient cooling systems.
Innovations like the AXpro from Eurochiller in-
tegrate multiple energy-saving technologies,
leveraging advanced materials and free cooling
methods to enhance performance across vary-
n plastics manufacturing, effective ther- ing seasonal conditions. Selecting the right sys-
mal management is critical for ensuring op- tem involves evaluating both capital expenditure
Ierational efficiency and maintaining product (CAPEX) and operational expenditure (OPEX),
quality. Cooling systems play a pivotal role in so- factoring in energy efficiency, reliability, and en-
lidifying plastic materials after shaping, prevent- vironmental sustainability.
ing defects like warping, shrinkage, or structural
inconsistencies. By optimizing the cooling pro- Effective cooling systems support sustainability
cess, manufacturers can enhance throughput goals by reducing resource consumption and
and productivity by reducing cycle times. utilizing eco-friendly refrigerants. By collaborat-
ing with experts, manufacturers can implement
Key cooling technologies include air chillers, wa- tailored solutions that improve energy savings,
ter chillers, and hybrid chillers. Air chillers use reliability, and environmental impact, ensuring
evaporative cooling, which is cost-effective and long-term success and sustainable operations in
environmentally friendly due to minimal refriger- the plastics industry.
ant use and lower maintenance needs. Water
chillers are energy-efficient, capable of manag- Source:- InterPlas Insights
ing large cooling loads, and rely on a combina-
50 PLASTICS NEWS December 2024