Page 62 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 62

Product NEWS

Akzo Nobel and Itaconix to explore                          Axion Polymers launches 100%
bio-based polymer technology                                recycled ABS grades

Akzo Nobel has signed a framework joint development         Axion Polymers has launched a new range of strong
     agreement with specialty chemicals company                  and durable 100% recycled ABS grades suitable for
Itaconix to explore opportunities for the production of     a range of injection moulding applications – particularly
bio-based polymers. With this agreement, Akzo Nobel         in the construction and automotive sectors - offering
will pursue the development and commercialisation           both cost and carbon savings. Recovered from the non-
of bio-based polymers. Itaconix will contribute a           metallic waste fraction from end-of-life vehicles, the
proprietary polymerisation technology to turn itaconic      Axpoly® r-ABS resins deliver a carbon footprint saving
acid - obtained from sugars through fermentation - into     of two-thirds when compared with virgin ABS made from
polymers."This innovation enables the production of
polymers from RENEWABLE ingredients, which fits closely

with our 'Planet Possible' sustainability agenda of doing   petrochemical feedstocks. A full LCA study of Axion’s
more with less," explained Peter Nieuwenhuizen, RD&I        mechanical recycling process shows a saving of 2.1 ton
Director for Akzo Nobel's Specialty Chemicals business.     CO2 eq. for every ton of ABS they produce. That is equal
"These bio-based polymers offer unique properties in        to the CO2 impact of driving a 44 ton articulated road
applications essential to our everyday lives, ranging from  haulage vehicle 1,400 miles. An additional advantage
water quality to cleaning and hygiene." Itaconix is a US    of using recycled polymers from a UK-sourced closed-
subsidiary of Revolymer, which is also working with Akzo    loop supplychain is stable and competitive pricing
Nobel on a marine coatings project. Kevin Matthews, CEO     because the input raw material costs are not linked to
of Revolymer, said: "Akzo Nobel has worldwide capabilities  the volatile oil market. Axion Director Keith Freegard
to utilise our itaconic acid polymers in many application   observes that some of their competitors are increasing
areas. We believe this agreement is an important step       prices due to post-Brexit exchange rate changes.
for the further development of bio-based chemistry on
a large scale." Nieuwenhuizen added that the deal is the    Axion Polymers high-quality 100% recycled Axpoly®
latest example of Akzo Nobel's commitment to fostering      plastics are mechanically separated at its Shredder
innovation and approaching the topic in an open and         Waste Advanced Processing Plant (SWAPP) in Manchester
collaborative way.                                          and then further refined at the Salford polymer
                                                            compounding site. All production batches are traceable
                                                            back to the origin of the raw material as part of an
                                                            integrated, closed-loop, automotive materials resource
                                                            recovery system. The properties of the standard
                                                            recycled ABS grade Axpoly® r-ABS52 1009 can be
                                                            modified to suit a customer’s individual application using
                                                            the compounding capability and fully equipped materials
                                                            testing laboratory at Axion’s factory site.

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