Page 29 - Plastics News February 2025
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Partnership essential to boost Circular Covestro is sharing data to drive the entire value
Economy chain towards a circular economy. By calculating
LCAs and increasing transparency, all stakehold-
Across the entire value chain, collaboration and ers can collaborate more effectively to identify
partnerships are crucial to achieve meaningful opportunities for reducing environmental im-
progress, especially in the exchange of vital data. pact—especially greenhouse gas emissions—
Covestro relies on its suppliers to provide de- and advancing sustainability goals. Transpar-
tailed information on the environmental impact ency is key to fostering these partnerships. A
of their products, while customers depend on seamless exchange along the value chain ena-
Covestro to deliver accurate data for their own bles access to more detailed and reliable data,
LCA calculations. Beyond individual exchanges, supporting informed decision-making and sus-
partnerships with industry initiatives such as TfS tainable progress.
are essential to establish standardized methods
in chemical industry, enabling this data becomes Source – COVESTRO
more comparable across companies.
INEOS Styrolution recycling solution
becomes finalist for 2025 Plastics Recycling Awards Europe
NEOS Styrolution, the global leader in styren- first yoghurt cup made from mechanically recy-
ics, is proud to announce that its new polysty- cled polystyrene, this breakthrough showcases
Irene mechanical recycling solution for food polystyrene’s unique recyclability and its poten-
contact quality has been selected as a finalist tial for fully circular packaging solutions.
at the 2025 Plastics Recycling Awards Europe
in the category “Product Technology Innovation Dr. Frank Eisenträger, ECO & Market Develop-
of the year”. ment Manager, says: “We are honoured that
our innovative work in polystyrene recycling
The finalists were revealed on January 16, with has been recognised by the Plastics Recycling
the winners announced during the Plastics Recy- Awards Europe. Being a finalist highlights the
cling Show Europe 2025 in Amsterdam (1-2 April significant progress we’ve made in delivering
2025, RAI, Amsterdam). circular solutions for food packaging. We are
excited to celebrate this achievement with our
The new solution, developed with partners in partners and the broader industry at the awards
the food and retail industries, has been regis- ceremony in April.”
tered as a novel technology under EU regulation
2022/1616, ensuring compliance with strict food Source –
contact safety standards. This innovation ena-
bles the mechanical recycling of polystyrene to
achieve food contact quality recyclates, a level
of purity previously only seen in PET bottle recy-
clates. Demonstrated through the launch of the
February 2025 PLASTICS NEWS 29