Page 31 - Plastics News February 2025
P. 31


                                                                "China's export of plastic finished goods is cur-
                                                                rently 25 times higher than India's, underscor-
                                                                ing the vast opportunities for India to expand its
                                                                exports of finished plastic products. To achieve
                                                                this growth, AIPMA is proposing the introduction
                                                                of Production-Linked Incentives (PLI) to support
                                                                manufacturers in scaling up operations," he add-

                                                                AIPMA also demanded the establishment of a
                                                                technical upgradation fund for the plastic pro-
                                                                cessing sector with an allocation of Rs 2,500
                                                                crore over 5 years on the lines of the textile sec-
                                                                tor's Technology Upgradation Fund (TUF).

          equipment for recycling, the association said in      It also proposed creation of plug and play fa-
          a statement.                                          cilities that provide ready to use infrastructure
                                                                to enable MSMEs to start operations seamlessly
          AIPMA Chairman Arvind M Mehta said India has          and scale quickly by reducing financial burden
          immense potential to scale up its operations and      on smaller businesses.
          increase its share in the global plastic market.
                                                                                          Source – Business Standard

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