Page 33 - Plastics News February 2025
P. 33


          USD 1.4 billion in investments from 2022 to 2026.     Modern technologies and strict regulations are
                                                                driving the global shift towards sustainable poly-
          In Europe, the European Union’s Circular Econ-        mer waste management. Companies are adopt-
          omy Action Plan focuses on making all plastic         ing recycling methods, while governments are
          packaging recyclable or reusable by 2030. Reg-        enforcing policies that encourage environmental
          ulations require plastic bottles to contain at least   responsibility. This combination of efforts con-
          25% recycled plastic by 2025, increasing to 30%       tributes to the reduction of plastic waste.
          by 2030.
                                                                                         Source – Plastics Engineering

          3D Printing with

          Recycled Materials

                  sing recycled plastics in 3D printing re-     advantages in rapid prototyping, customization,
                  duces  waste  and  carbon  footprint,  of-    and  cost-effectiveness.  It  enables  the  creation
          Ufering sustainable solutions such as                 of complex shapes, minimizes material waste,
          filaments made from pre-and post-consumer re-         and accelerates time to market.
          cycled materials.
                                                                Manufacturers utilize various materials such as
          3D printing technology has become increasing-         plastics, metals, ceramics, and biomaterials, each
          ly significant in product development due to its      offering unique benefits. Acrylonitrile butadiene
                                                                styrene (ABS) is the most widely used plastic
                                                                for 3D printing due to its strength, durability,
                                                                and flexibility. People recognize PET as another
                                                                popular material, known for its strength, dura-
                                                                bility, and low warping during printing. Manufac-
                                                                turers commonly use other polymers like poly-
                                                                carbonate (PC) and polypropylene (PP) for this
                                                                purpose. Researchers have proposed PLA as a
                                                                material for 3D printing because it comes from
                                                                renewable  sources.  However, most manufac-
                                                                turers do not use the recycled materials in this
                                                                technology. This raises concerns about environ-
                                                                mental impact, especially when people generate
                                                                waste or single-use parts. As a result, the use
                                                                of recycled materials for 3D printing enables the
                                                                reduction of virgin material consumption.

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