Page 34 - Plastics News February 2025
P. 34
From Plastic Waste to Feedstock for 3D ♦ Filamentive PETg is a recycled 3D printer
Printing filament made from pre-consumer recycled
materials, as it is created using discarded
Various scientific studies are evaluating the suit- PETg plastic waste obtained from a manu-
ability of recycled materials for use in 3D printing facturer. The company behind this prod-
in terms of performance in the printing process uct, focuses on producing environmentally
and the quality of parts manufactured with recy- friendly filaments by incorporating recycled
cled materials vs. conventional materials. Some materials.
studies propose Chemical Recycling through py-
rolysis as an alternative method to convert plas- Filamentive production of recycled filament us-
tic wastes to raw materials for 3D printing.
ing pre-consumer PETg. Courtesy of Filamen-
♦ Fishy Filaments is a company that produces
Typical Recycling scheme for 3D printing materi- 3D printer filaments from recycled fishing
als. Courtesy of Typical Recycling scheme for 3D nets. Their primary focus is on collecting dis-
printing materials. carded fishing nets from the fishing industry,
which manufacturers make from durable ma-
The Journey of Recycled Filaments in 3D Print- terials like nylon, and turning them into high-
ing quality, sustainable 3D printing filaments. By
upcycling these waste materials, Fishy Fila-
Currently, manufacturers use over 30% of plas-
tic materials in 3D printing, but they end up as ments helps reduce plastic pollution in the
oceans, offering an eco-friendly alternative
waste. Utilizing recycled plastic to produce high-
quality FDM filament for 3D printing not only to traditional filaments made from virgin
plastics. Manufacturers create strong, resil-
helps reduce waste going to landfills but also
decreases energy consumption. This approach ient filaments that are suitable for various 3D
printing applications, especially those requir-
can lower carbon emissions associated with the
production of virgin plastics by 30-80%. ing durability, such as prototyping and func-
tional parts. Fillamentum will soon offer two
Manufacturers Using Recycled Materials filament products: Porthcurno, which is ideal
for aesthetic applications like homewares
34 PLASTICS NEWS February 2025