Page 36 - Plastics News February 2025
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cerns about the industry. For example, despite
the optimistic outlook, the industry faces chal-
lenges from fluctuating polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
prices. PVC is a key raw material for plastic
pipes, and price volatility directly affects manu-
facturers’ margins.
Source – Business Standard
PVC prices a challenge
However, the report also underlined some con-
The world of plastics and rubber
K raw materials and measuring technology will be
- The international trade fair for innova-
tions in the plastics and rubber industry
K is considered the leading internation- Since the first exhibition in Düsseldorf in 1952,
al trade fair in the plastics and rubber industry. the letter "K" has embodied the fascination for
Each time, the event attracts a large number of the world of plastics and rubber. The next trade
professionals from production, processing and fair will take place in 2025 at the Düsseldorf Ex-
related sectors such as mechanical engineer- hibition Centre and will be a global magnet for
ing, the automotive industry, electronics, medi- exhibitors and visitors alike.
cal technology, the packaging industry and the
construction industry from all over the world to Save the date for K 2025 on 8-15 October
find out about the latest innovations and make 2025. Source – K2025
valuable contacts. A wide range of products and
services in the fields of machinery, equipment,
36 PLASTICS NEWS February 2025