Page 37 - Plastics News February 2025
P. 37
European plastics manufacturers urgently call for
a European Commission-led Action Plan in response to the EU’s
Competitiveness Compass
lastics Europe welcomes the launch of establish the world’s first net zero and circular
the EU’s Competitiveness Compass, in- plastics system back-on-track.”
Pcluding its recognition of the untapped
competitive potential of circularity and need to Recent data published by Plastics Europe high-
catalyse investment in recycling. The sector re- lighted a sharp decline in EU Plastics Production
mains very concerned by the absence of a tai- of 8.3% in 2023, compared to 2022. Europe’s
lored approach for plastics, the third most used share of the global market has declined from 22%
material in Europe. in 2006 to 12% in 2023, and the EU has become
increasingly dependent on imports of plastic
In response, European plastics manufacturers resins and finished goods from regions with of-
renew their call for the Commission to bring to- ten less stringent environmental standards. For
gether EU institutions, Member States and all the first time there was also an alarming drop in
relevant partners to address the particular chal- recycled plastics production in Europe, due to
lenges faced by the plastics ecosystem as well an oversupply of low-cost imports.
as its future in Europe through an Action Plan.
The critical importance, size and complex nature Janssens adds: “Plastics – alongside steel, met-
of the European plastics system requires a tai- als, chemicals and concrete – are the backbone
lored policy response. of European manufacturing. Plastics are the third
most used materials in Europe’s economy and
Virginia Janssens, Managing Director of Plastics play an essential role in many of Europe’s most
Europe, said: “It is an important first step. Also strategic value chains, including digital, renew-
encouraging is that the compass addresses key able energy, automotive, building and construc-
industry competitiveness concerns. These in- tion, packaging, medical devices and agriculture.
clude the need to lower energy costs, reduce It will therefore be important to ensure plastics
red tape, and create a more favourable invest- are considered in various sectoral initiatives and
ment climate and level the playing field with our measures to ensure EU supplies of key materi-
international competitors. by for instance finan- als.
cial incentives to support investments in innova-
tion and the Green Deal transition” “We urgently need support to deliver on the
ambitions of our Plastic Transition roadmap. We
“The hard truth is that plastics manufacturing do not control all the up- and down-stream le-
plants are already shutting down across Eu- vers to achieve this alone. Therefore, we are en-
rope, leading to offshoring of the industry, jobs couraged that the Compass recognises the un-
and sustainable investments, and increased im- tapped competitive potential of circularity and
port dependency. Urgent steps are needed to the importance of catalysing investment in recy-
restore the competitiveness of the European cling. To do so, policymakers need to create a
plastics sector and to get Europe’s ambition to single market for waste and reusable materials
February 2025 PLASTICS NEWS 37