Page 38 - Plastics News February 2025
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and drive demand for recycled, bio-based and lations on all products and materials placed on
low carbon plastics. Consistent with the Com- the EU market, including imports (via market sur-
pass’s technology neutral approach, which we veillance mechanism and penalties) and requires
fully support, we also need the timely accept- enhanced traceability of imported and exported
ance of innovative recycling methods like chemi- circular plastics and products, via new custom
cal recycling to unlock and derisk investments in codes”.
Source – Plastics Europe
Any competitiveness check needs to include de
facto enforcement of EU (sustainability) regu-
Plastics Recycling Show Europe 2025
conference programme outlined
he outline conference programme for the core sessions on overcoming the challenges in
Plastics Recycling Show Europe (PRS Eu- EU plastic recycling, unlocking key legislative
Trope) has been published ahead of the files for the sector such as the Packaging and
event’s return to the RAI Amsterdam on 1-2 April Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), and build-
2025. The latest trends in the plastics recycling ing synergies between mechanical and chemi-
sector will be explored in depth, providing a ho- cal recycling. Also covered in depth will be the
listic view of the whole plastic recycling value market outlook as well as future challenges and
chain and drawing together political leaders, trends in achieving recycled content goals.
major brands, recyclers and the plastics recy-
cling and manufacturing industry. Interactive panel discussions moderated by
European plastics recycling subject matter ex-
Prominent speakers from major brands already perts will examine the global roadmap for plas-
confirmed include Aldi’s Global Circular Pack- tics recycling, strategies to scale up collection
aging Manager, Hannah Drew, and Procter & and sorting, traceability in recycled content, and
Gamble’s Technical Director - R&D Packag- the latest innovations in recycling technologies.
ing Sustainability, Gian De Belder. While other Dedicated materials focus sessions will tackle
speakers from across the plastics value chain the state-of-play in the recycling of PET, poly-
are Berry Global’s Director of Circular Economy, olefin films, PVC, HDPE, PP, PS and ELV & WEEE.
Jeremy Blake, Indorama’s Head of Sustainability
Advocacy EMEA, Ermis Panagitopoulos, Helen PRSE event sponsors will also give papers on a
McGeough, Global Analyst Team Lead, Plastics wide range of innovations in plastics recycling
Recycling at ICIS and Lia Voermans, Chair of- technology and the wider circular economy.
Brightland Circular Space. Confirmed silver sponsors presenting papers in-
clude: Axens, Circular Identity and VTT Research
The packed two-day programme of informative Finland.
and thought provoking sessions will take place Source – recovery
again in two theatres. The programme includes
38 PLASTICS NEWS February 2025