Page 42 - Plastics News February 2025
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ing containers in 2018.The Aluminum Associa- EPA’s new estimate.
tion published a consumer recycling rate for Source – Resource Recycling
aluminum cans of 46.1% in 2019, higher than the
Customer sustainability journey simplified: Clariant puts
product carbon footprint data at fingertips
♦ Business Unit Care Chemicals' Product Car- tion targets."
bon Footprint data now available on Clari-
Hub, the company's customer digital plat- The availability of PCFs on ClariHub will empower
form Clariant's customers with valuable data to bet-
ter understand the environmental impact of the
♦ Move helps customers work towards their products they purchase; make more informed
carbon reduction targets decisions in their product selection process; ac-
♦ Development demonstrates Clariant's dedi- curately calculate and report their own carbon
cation to transparency and sustainability footprints; and develop and implement effective
carbon reduction strategies.
lariant has announced a significant
milestone in its commitment to sus- With approximately 50% of PCFs already avail-
Ctainability transparency and customer able, the business unit Care Chemicals will con-
support. Since January 2025, the Product Car- tinue to expand the range of products with avail-
bon Footprints data (PCFs) for a large part of able PCFs in ClariHub with plans to have PCFs
its Care Chemicals products are available for for most of the portfolio available by the end of
download on ClariHub, the company's digital 2025.
customer platform.
Clariant's PCFs are compliant with ISO
Customers can access PCFs directly by logging 14067:2018, a methodology validated by TÜV
into their ClariHub accounts, the new develop- Rheinland. Comprehensive primary data from
ment marking a major step forward in Clariant’s purchasing and operations are used for the PCF
efforts to provide comprehensive product infor- calculations, delivering robust carbon footprints
mation and support to stakeholders in their car- to our customers.
bon reduction initiatives.
Today’s development aligns with Clariant's
"Making PCFs readily available on ClariHub dem- broader sustainability strategy and in particular
onstrates our dedication to transparency and its efforts to reduce its scope 1, 2 and 3 emis-
our commitment to supporting our customers' sions, which directly translate into lower PCFs of
sustainability journeys," said Christian Vang, our products.
President Care Chemicals & Americas at Clariant.
"This initiative is a crucial part of our strategy to Clariant committed to reducing our scope 1, 2
enable our customers to make informed deci- and 3 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by set-
sions as they work towards their carbon reduc- ting near-term company-wide emission reduc-
tions in line with climate science with the SBTi
42 PLASTICS NEWS February 2025