Page 43 - Plastics News February 2025
P. 43


          which were validated in 2021. To date, Clariant       validation of its updated near-term GHG emis-
          has achieved a 29% reduction in its scope 1 & 2       sion reduction targets through the SBTi. Clariant
          emissions from the 2019 baseline and scope 3.1        is committing to reduce scope 1 & 2 emissions
          emissions (purchased goods and services) have         46.9%  (previously  40%)  and  its  scope  3  emis-
          decreased by 19% by end 2023. The company             sions  27.5%  (previously  14%)  by  2030  from  a
          is currently overdelivering against its validated     2019 base year.
          2030 GHG emissions reduction targets, assum-                                 Source –
          ing a linear trend line. To show its commitment
          to decarbonization, Clariant is currently awaiting

          An Opportunity by Design

                                                                do Cabos project to pull waste plastic from the
                                                                environment and repurpose it into new items.
                                                                Its primary source of such waste is the salmon-
                                                                farming detritus in the Patagonia. On vacation
                                                                in the region years ago, it was one of Comber-
                                                                plast’s founders whose encounters with aban-
                                                                doned ropes and nets amongst the grandeur of
                                                                the fjords and channels became an impetus to
                                                                do something. In this issue, you can read about
                                                                Comberplast’s latest project partnering with one
                                                                of the world’s largest producers  of lithium  to
                                                                create reusable plastic pallets from that recov-
                  t the very moment that intensifying pub-
                  lic pressure pushes the plastics industry     ered fishing waste, as well as the lithium firm’s
          Ato address  waste  in  the environment,              in-house plastic scrap.
          the sector is stepping up to reclaim the valuable     For people like Orrego, that work in the plastics
          materials it’s created.                               industry seeing everyday items fabricated from
                                                                the highly engineered materials we know dis-
          “A mistake by design” — that        ’s  how  Belt-    carded as trash does indeed seem like a “mis-
          rán Orrego sees any plastic waste, particularly
          if that plastic waste has escaped into the envi-      take.” Early in my career, I sat in on a presentation
                                                                discussing the various breakthroughs achieved
          ronment. This instinctive reaction to litter is most
          visceral when it’s in nature, where seeing dis-       in the package design for a “sports drink” bot-
                                                                tle. The bottle in question featured a series of
          carded man-made objects, whether it’s a water
          bottle  or  abandoned  car,  reflects  a  jarring  hu-  raised panels. Each distinct panel and its various
                                                                facets, which I had thought to simply be deco-
          man encroachment on the natural world.
                                                                rative flourishes, were in fact the patented out-
          Orrego works with Chilean injection molder and        come of hours of engineering work that enabled
          recycler Comberplast, which launched its Atan-        the plastic container to withstand the hot-filling

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