Page 44 - Plastics News February 2025
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process and replace glass, resulting in a pack- postconsumer polyethylene; and the challenges
age that would dramatically cut the beverage’s of sourcing reclaimed polypropylene, particu-
weight and the CO2 emissions required to ship larly as some studies point to the contamination
it. To this day, when I see a sports drink bottle of food-contact-intended streams with recycled
or any plastic product, I consider the purpose- electronic waste.
ful engineering that went into its design, thinking
about the specific material grades and additives This confluence of content is no accident. At this
it’s made from and the specialized machines and moment in the industry, an overwhelming inter-
molds that created it. est to redirect plastics products in their end of
life out of the environment is met by innovative
In addition to Comberplast, in this issue you can players and technologies specifically target-
read about Mexican film extruder Bioflex apply- ing that very plastic “waste” as an untapped
ing new technology to process postindustrial resource. The old adage holds that one man’s
and postconsumer plastic waste into new films; trash is another’s treasure, and that might be
Nova Chemicals writing about the opportunities true, but I think we can all agree that treating
to be exploited in mechanical recycling of plas- treasure as “trash” is surely a mistake.
tics, including its own new facility for reclaiming
Source – Plastics Technology
attractive and unique green glow. It absorbs light
energy from the daylight or from any other light
source and emission of the same gives a glowing
effect in the dark. The grade can be selected as
per the colour of glow, intensity of glow and the
duration of the glow required. Its mainly used in
injection moulding application for toys & house-
hold items. These masterbatches are available in
Polyethylene & Polystyrene base.
Source – Kandui Industries Private Limited
andui Industries Pvt. Ltd. has developed
the NIGHT GLOW series of photolumi-
Knescent masterbatch for Polyolefins. In
daylight the article appears as a semi translu-
cent light green color. In the dark it generates an
44 PLASTICS NEWS February 2025