Page 45 - Plastics News February 2025
P. 45


          Plastic Upcycling: Turning Waste into

          Valuable Resources with New Technologies

                                                                in the context of plastics, this means taking post-
                                                                consumer plastic waste that is destined for the
                                                                landfill or the environment and converting that
                                                                waste into something that is more valuable or
                                                                useable. While recycling tolerant tends to create
                                                                products of inferior quality for potential reuse,
                                                                upcycling is aimed at enhancing the value of the
                                                                plastic to create products of desirable usability
                                                                than those produced by conventional manufac-
                                                                turing processes.

                                                                Why is Plastic Upcycling Important?

                                                                Scalogram of the plastic waste produced in the
                                                                world can be described as impressive. It is es-
                                                                timated that 380 million metric tons of plastic
                                                                is  manufactured  every  year  in  the  world,  and
                                                                much of it goes to litter. Despite recycling initia-
                  ischarge of plastics in the planet is one     tives, the overall rates of recycling remain rela-
                  of the greatest misconceptions of radi-       tively depressed especially with regard to bags
          Dcal modernity. Yearly, millions of tons of           and bottles, caps and various packages requir-
          plastic wastes end up in landfills and the water      ing single use. Conventional recycling results in
          sources impacting animals and humans, and             downcycling or changes in the use-value of the
          their living environment. However, as the world       material, hence plastics are used in the creation
          faces this mounting crisis, a promising solution      of lower value products like benches and carpet
          has emerged: plastic upcycling. While recycling       fibers that find their way to the landfill or the fur-
          includes the process of emulsion, shredding, and      nace.
          reforming plastic waste products in new prod-
          ucts, upcycling involves converting wastes into       In contrast, upcycling offers several environ-
          valuable and higher products. This article will       mental and economic benefits:
          focus on how new technologies are transform-
          ing the method of upcycling plastics and turning      Reduction in Waste: Upcycling enables people
          waste into wealth.                                    to reduce the amounts of plastics that end up
                                                                chocking the landfills, rivers and seas.
          What is Plastic Upcycling?
                                                                Resource Conservation: With upcycling, one is
          Upcycling is known as the action by which waste       able  to  prevent  the  cancellation  of  useful  raw
          is transformed in a product that has a higher val-    materials, such as oil and natural gas, which are
          ue and quality than the original item. When used      used in the manufacture of new plastics.

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