Page 47 - Plastics News February 2025
P. 47


                                                                processes are rather effective, as they develop
                                                                at comparatively low temperatures.

                                                                3.  Upcycled Plastic Products

          Recycling through enzymes is another young
          technology being used in upcycling of plastics.
          There are particular enzymes identified that are
          active to degrade particular kinds of plastics,
          mainly PET; these are of molecular weights that
          can be returned to their monomers. Once these
          monomers are produced then they can be re-            Another impressive feature of the upcycling of
          claimed to plastic products in the industry.          plastics is that plastics are transformed into valu-
                                                                able products using the waste. Many firms and
          PETase  and  MHETase:  MHETase  and  PETase
          belong to dozens of enzymes identified so far         emerging ventures from different corners of the
          for the depolymerization of PET plastics. Plastic     globe are using the latest technologies to recy-
          degrading enzymes are synthesized in specific         cle waste plastic into valuable products. Some
          microbes or bacteria and fungi whose main func-       examples include:
          tion is to decompose plastics in the environment.     Upcycled Fashion: A number of fashion players
          To improve the efficiency and capacity of these       are  employing  upcycled  plastic  bottles,  bags,
          enzyme, researchers have been researching on          and other wastes in its clothing and product lines.
          these enzymes. A further analysis of various en-      For example, the plastics bottles are chopped,
          zyme variants – for instance, it has enabled re-      melted and reextruded as yarns for production
          searchers to enhance the efficiency of these en-      of T-shirts, jackets, among others. These prod-
          zymes in breaking down plastics. Through these        ucts also assist in the reduction of the raw mate-
          enzymes; the recycled bottles are returned into       rial required from the natural resources and also
          monomers usable with the same quality to pro-         help in common internalization of decentralized
          duce more bottles or even other quality prod-         recycling programs.
                                                                Building Materials: Recycled plastic can also be
          Enzymatic recycling has its advantages over the       applied to construction. Firms have found a way
          regular recycling techniques that were earlier        to convert plastics into constructive materials
          discussed, including ability of recycling plastics    like bricks, tiles and insulators among others. It
          with less dangerous products. Moreover, no heat       can also assist in the endeavor to make con-
          is produced in the process that is why enzymatic

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