Page 39 - Plastics News Issue - January 2025
P. 39


          itself, without investing capital.                    retti, adding that he didn’t want to leave behind
                                                                any value in a bale. “So my goal is to, unfortu-
          Nevertheless, Jacobsen pointed out that not           nately, hurt the secondary sorter.
          every residual stream is suitable for second-
          ary sorting. “You really need to do your home-        “I don’t want to give up one PET bottle,” he said.
          work on them first and kind of look at patterns       “I don’t want to give up one HDPE bottle. My
          and what is your kind of average over time that       job is to extract as much value on one pass of
          you’re going to recover, and certainly make sure      that material coming in that front door where it is
          that there are markets available on where to          no more than landfill. Landfill costs are massive. I
          sell some of this stuff,” she said. Due to regional   want to reduce that.”
          differences in material streams, she continued,
          “you have to pick where you’re going to be very       In addition, brand owners face mandates for re-
          carefully as well.”                                   cycled content in packaging or have made what
                                                                may be “unrealistic” public announcements sur-
          Lovewell added that “it’s very hard to justify        rounding PCR targets in packaging, McDonald
          these secondary sorting facilities unless there       said. “So they’ll basically take any amount of net
          are markets for those materials, unless you have      new tons they can get their hands on, mean-
          enough material to justify building a plant that      ing they’ll almost finance a full facility for us just
          can handle that. And all that requires being in the   to guarantee themselves the offtake,” such as
          vicinity of where this operation is going.”           clear PET.

          Extracting value remains paramount                    Because the MRF’s goal is to derive maximum
                                                                value from bales, said Jacobsen, “if you’re any-
          Ultimately the panelists agreed that the prima-       body in the secondary sorting space, you have
          ry goal of secondary sorting was to reduce the        to look beyond the MRF.”
          tonnage headed for landfills, and to extract as
          much value as possible from consumer material                            Source – Plastics Recycling Updates

          At the MRF level, “we keep on mining and strip-
          ping that value out of that waste bill,” said Fer-

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              January 2025                                                                   PLASTICS NEWS  39
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