Page 40 - Plastics News Issue - January 2025
P. 40


          Emerging Markets for Plastics:

          Opportunities in Developing Economies

                                                                economies are experiencing an upturn. These
                                                                regions have some of the fastest growing popu-
                                                                lations anywhere in the globe. As for encode the
                                                                utilization of plastic, there is overwhelming sales
                                                                of products that require heavy use of plastic as
                                                                the consumers have much higher disposable in-
                                                                comes and aspirations today. Here are examples
                                                                of specific factors which make these markets
                                                                the ideal place for the plastics industry.

                                                                1.  Rapid Urbanization

                                                                Flows of people from rural areas to urban areas
                                                                in search of job opportunities are placing urban
                                                                centres in developed economies in a state of
                                                                rapid growth. This kind of urbanization promotes
                                                                needs for housing, infrastructure, and consumer
                                                                products which all consume plastics massively.
                 he use of plastics has become integrating      For instance, PVC (polyvinyl chloride): is widely
                 in the current society so much that it is      used as building and Construction material for
          Thard to think of a society without them.             pipes, conduits, window frames and flooring.
          Modern plastics are used in packaging, auto-
          mobile, construction materials, electronics, and      2.  Booming Packaging Industry
          health care  and agricultural and so on. There-
          fore, with the continuous expansion of global         With the increased uptake of e-commerce, su-
          economy, consumers’ demand for plastics has           permarkets or retail chain, and food delivery
          also been rising. The world specifically the de-      firms in developing countries this has caused a
          veloping countries are considered as perfect          high demand for packaging material. Packaging
          markets to invest in because of factors such as       is a favored sector that uses plastics for packag-
          growing industrialization rates, increasing urban-    ing because they are cheap and have extensive
          ization and alteration of people’s lifestyles. This   durability in comparison to other types of pack-
          article aims at providing insight into where busi-    aging materials. There is greater preference for
          ness people can get rich through plastics in the      flexible packaging, including pouches and films,
          emergent markets.                                     in these markets specifically.

          Why Focus on Developing Economies?                    3.  Growth in Consumer Electronics

          The Asian, African, and Latin American nations’       The incorporation of the smartphone, appliances

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