Page 14 - Plastics News July 2021
P. 14


          Nosco starts carton and label                          $PFRU  LQYHVWV  LQ  PXOWL
          production at Wisconsin facility                       technology laminator at Belgium

             S-based full-service packaging solutions provider Nosco
          8has started producing cartons and labels at its new
          SDFNDJLQJ LQQRYDWLRQ FHQWUH LQ :LVFRQVLQ 7KH        IWð    ultinational packaging
          facility in Pleasant Prairie is designed to “expand Nosco’s   Mcompany Amcor  has
          HIIRUWV  LQWR  D  QHZ  HUDµ  RI  SULQWHG  SDFNDJLQJ  IRU  WKH   invested in Bobst lamination
          healthcare industry. Audits of the facility are due to   technology to produce
          start later this month, with its full opening scheduled   high-performance flexible
          for later this year. Nosco president Craig Curran said:   packaging. The company has
          “Nosco continues to lead as a premier provider of printed   installed the Bobst Master
          packaging. Our decision to consolidate our workforce   D 1000 S multi-technology
          into this new world-class facility is a true testament to   laminator at its Sustainability
          our people and our customers. “Through this critical   Centre of Excellence (CoE)
          expansion effort, we will continue our commitment      in Ghent, Belgium.  Amcor
          to quality and service, supporting customer orders in   technical director Kris Buysens said: “The technical
          D  VHDPOHVV  DQG  WLPHO\  PDWWHU µ  7KH  QHZ  FHQWUH  DQG   laminates that we develop require a stable and
          headquarters building will become home to the majority
          of the company’s employees in northern Illinois. Almost   repeatable process, where the adhesive can be
          300 of Nosco’s more than 700 employee owners will      ILQHO\  FRQWUROOHG  DQG  PHDVXUHG   :H  DOVR  QHHG  D
          also work at the site. This consolidation is intended to   machine where multiple adhesive technologies can
          improve customer and employee experience and make      EH HPSOR\HG  ´:H FKRVH WKH %REVW 0DVWHU ODPLQDWRU
          WKH FRPSDQ\·V VXSSO\ FKDLQ DQG RSHUDWLRQDO ÁRZ PRUH    because it gives us the tools that we need to develop
          HIÀFLHQW   ,W  LV  DOVR  H[SHFWHG  WR  RIIHU  RSSRUWXQLWLHV  WR   more environmentally friendly products that meet
          provide supplementary training and development among   the challenging demands from our customers and
          continue to work from its existing facilities in Illinois,   the result of ‘close collaboration’ between Bobst and
          7H[DV  1HZ <RUN DQG 3HQQV\OYDQLD  0U &XUUDQ VDLG  ´:H   Amcor’s team at its Belgian centre in order to meet
                                                                 Amcor’s requirements. Amcor will use the technology
                                                                 to develop and test multi-layer product solutions while
                                                                 reducing the company’s carbon footprint. The CoE in
                                                                 Ghent was opened in 2019 as part of Amcor’s endeavour
                                                                 to enhance its position in packaging innovation, as well
                                                                 DV IXOÀOOLQJ LWV FRPPLWPHQW WR PDNLQJ DOO LWV SDFNDJLQJ
                                                                 products recyclable or reusable by 2025. Mr Buysens
                                                                 said: “Innovative packaging design, improved recycling
                                                                 infrastructure and consumers playing their part is all
                                                                 key to protect the environment. “For converters, this
                                                                 means starting [with] traditional laminated products
                                                                 but reaching right across the entire converting
          recently began production, printing pharmaceutical     SURFHVV ´:H ZHUH WKH ÀUVW SDFNDJLQJ SURGXFHU LQ WKH
          folding cartons on our Bobst Expertfold 110. This week,
          we will start producing labels using two new HP Indigo 6K   ZRUOG  WR  VHW  RXUVHOYHV  D  VSHFLÀF  WDUJHW  IRU  PDNLQJ
                                                                 all our products recyclable or reusable by 2025.“This
          Label machines. “Moving forward, the Pleasant Prairie   pledge is driving all our research and development and
          facility will be home to production for all label and carton
          orders placed hereafter that were historically produced at   to succeed, we need to have the most advanced and
                                                                 ÁH[LEOH WHFKQRORJ\ DW RXU GLVSRVDO µ

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