Page 15 - Plastics News July 2021
P. 15


          Teknor Apex strengthens capacity                       BASF Catalysts invests in
          in Japan                                               capacity  building at  Chennai

             eknor Apex Company has established a warehouse and     ASF Catalysts India Pvt
          Tdistribution facility in Kyoto for its PVC automotive   BLtd (BASF) will expand its
          compounds and has appointed a sales agent responsible   mobile emissions catalysts
          for serving auto-industry companies in Japan. The new   production plant in Chennai,
          sales agent is Nishinihon Shoko Co., Ltd., an Osaka-based   India. The  double-digit
          company specializing in supplying the automotive industry.    million Euro investment will
          Mr. Kozo Okamoto is president and CEO. The manager of   nearly double the company’s
          automotive accounts will be Mr. Hirofumi Okamoto, and   catalysts production capacity
          0U   .D]XR <DPDGD  ZLOO  SURYLGH  WHFKQLFDO  VXSSRUW   ´:H   for the heavy-duty on- and off-
          already supply PVC compounds to Japanese OEMs in other   road segment. The completion
          regions of the world, and now we have strengthened our   of the expansion is planned
          capability to serve OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers in Japan   LQ   4     ´7KLV  H[SDQVLRQ
          GLUHFWO\ µ  VDLG  6WHYH  0F&RUPDFN   DXWRPRWLYH  LQGXVWU\   positions BASF to further meet OEMs’ increasing demand
          manager for the Vinyl Division. “This is critical for   for high-performance and cost-effective emissions
          meeting the just-in-time requirements of our customers   FRQWURO VROXWLRQV LQ ,QGLD µ VDLG 6WHSKDQ +HUPHV  9LFH
          DQG )OH[DOOR\Š 39& HODVWRPHUV IRU H[WHULRU DQG LQWHULRU   “It also demonstrates our strong commitment and
          components, sealing systems, mechanical cables, and    contribution to the Indian government’s endeavours for
          under-hood applications. These compounds have been     FOHDQHU DLU LQ WKH UHJLRQ µ %$6)·V &KHQQDL FDWDO\VWV VLWH
          VSHFLÀHG E\ DXWRPRWLYH 2(0V ZRUOGZLGH   :LWK QLQH 8 6    produces a full range of automotive emissions catalyst
          locations and operations in Belgium, Germany, Singapore,   solutions for passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles,
          and China, as well as six separate divisions that serve a   off-road vehicles and motorcycles. This investment will
          wide range of industries Teknor Apex Company, a privately   further boost BASF’s capabilities to support increasingly
          KHOG ÀUP IRXQGHG LQ       LV RQH RI WKH ZRUOG·V OHDGLQJ   stringent requirements with the implementation of
          custom compounders of plastics.  Teknor Apex produces   stricter emission regulations. The site includes a new
          ÁH[LEOH DQG ULJLG YLQ\O  WKHUPRSODVWLF HODVWRPHUV  Q\ORQV    47,000-square-meter production plant, which replaces
          color masterbatches, specialty chemicals, and hoses. The   an existing BASF plant in Chennai and is the culmination
          FRPSDQ\ LV KHDGTXDUWHUHG LQ 3DZWXFNHW  5,  8 6 $  DQG   of a three-year expansion project, which has doubled
                                                                 the company’s catalyst manufacturing capacity in India.
                                                                 :RUOG FODVV PDQXIDFWXULQJ OLQHV DUH KRXVHG LQ WKH QHZ
                                                                 plant, producing a full range of catalyst solutions,
                                                                 including light duty, heavy duty and motorcycle
                                                                 emissions catalysts to meet growing market demand
                                                                 and customer technology needs. The site produces
                                                                 BASF EMPROTM emissions control solutions including the
                                                                 7KUHH :D\  &DWDO\VW   7:&    'LHVHO  2[LGDWLRQ  &DWDO\VW
                                                                 (DOC), Catalyzed Soot Filter (CSF) and Selective
                                                                 Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Catalyst. “Around the Asia
                                                                 3DFLÀF UHJLRQ  DQG HVSHFLDOO\ KHUH LQ ,QGLD  PRELOLW\ LV
          operates thirteen manufacturing facilities worldwide in the   ever more important. At the same time, more and more
          8QLWHG 6WDWHV  %HOJLXP  *HUPDQ\  &KLQD  DQG 6LQJDSRUH    vehicles are being manufactured locally in India. To
          The Vinyl Division of Teknor Apex Company is a leading   meet the demands of this growth, according to BASF’s
          manufacturer of custom compounds, and is a global supplier   $VLD 3DFLÀF VWUDWHJ\ DQG LQ VXSSRUW RI 0DNH LQ ,QGLD DQG
          to the appliance, automotive, construction, medical device,   other government initiatives, we are expanding our local
          wire and cable, and other industries.                  SURGXFWLRQ QHWZRUN LQ WKH UHJLRQ µ

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