Page 16 - Plastics News July 2021
P. 16


          BPCL to set up technology plant                        )OLSNDUW HQGV XVH RI VLQJOH XVH

          DW .RFKL 5H¿QHU\                                       plastic at Indian centres

             harat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL), a          -commerce retailer Flipkart has eliminated single-use
          B‘Maharatna’ and a Fortune Global 500 Company is  eSODVWLF SDFNDJLQJ IURP XVH DW LWV IXOÀOPHQW FHQWUHV LQ
          setting up a technology demonstration plant of 200 metric   WKH FRXQWU\  7KH :DOPDUW RZQHG FRPSDQ\ KDV VXFFHVVIXOO\
          WRQQH SHU DQQXP DW .RFKL 5HÀQHU\  7KLV ZLOO EH IROORZHG   delivered on its commitment to moving to plastic-free
          by setting up a commercial plant of 50,000 metric tonnes   packaging in its own supply chain by this year. Flipkart
          per annum capacity, saving foreign exchange worth Rs.   has so far launched several sustainable alternatives,
          1,000 Crores, to make India #AtmaNirbhar in this niche   including eco-friendly paper shreds, recycled paper
          DQG IDVW JURZLQJ VHJPHQW  :LWK WKH FRQWLQXRXV ]HDO IRU   bags, carton waste shredded material and two-ply toilet
          innovation, research and development, the R&D team     UROOV  DW WKH IXOÀOPHQW FHQWUHV  7KH H FRPPHUFH UHWDLOHU
                                                                 also complies with all Extended Producer Responsibility
                                                                 regulations and aims to ensure that, through its network
                                                                 of recyclers, it recycles the same amount of single-use
                                                                 plastic as it sends to consumers. Flipkart senior vice-
                                                                 president and supply chain head Hemant Badri said: “At
                                                                 Flipkart, we place great emphasis on sustainable and
                                                                 responsible business practices. “Moving towards fully
                                                                 VLQJOH XVH SODVWLF HOLPLQDWLRQ LV RQH RI WKH VLJQLÀFDQW
                                                                 VWHSV ZH KDYH WDNHQ WRZDUGV IXOÀOOLQJ RXU FRPPLWPHQW
                                                                 WR FUHDWLQJ D VXVWDLQDEOH HFRV\VWHP  ´:H DFKLHYHG WKLV
                                                                 while navigating a tough year impacted by Covid and are
                                                                 SURXG WKDW RXU WHDPV NHSW WKH SULRULWLHV LQ OLQH  ´:H DUH
          at BPCL has mastered the chemistry of Superabsorbent   now focused on enabling our seller ecosystem to adopt
          Polymer (SAP), using the in-house acrylic acid as      sustainable packaging alternatives as well, and to create
          feedstock, which is used in various hygiene products   positive environmental and social impact across the entire
          like diapers and other incontinence products. Excited   VXSSO\ FKDLQ µ )ROORZLQJ WKLV DFKLHYHPHQW  )OLSNDUW ZLOO
          about the initiative, Mr. P. Ravitej, Executive Director,   work closely with its suppliers to help them move towards
          5HÀQHULHV   %3&/  VDLG   ´6$3  SURFHVV  GHYHORSPHQW  LV  D   plastic alternatives. The retailer claims to be ‘actively
          pioneering initiative of BPCL R&D towards independence   working with the ecosystem’ to understand how it can
          in technology development and value addition to Acrylic
          Prime Minister’s vision of #AtmaNirbhar Bharat, this is
          yet another step in course to strengthen the processes
          and operations undertaken at the company level to
          support the cause and be self-reliance in ways possible.
          The company continues to focus on an un-ending path of
          innovation and research to minimise costs and maximise
          returns with optimum utilization of resources. Mastering
          the chemistry of SuperAbsorbentPolymer is a step ahead
          the company is developing a vibrant ecosystem. Bharat
          Petroleum has been partnering communities by supporting   help create a more circular economy for plastics so that
          innumerable initiatives connected primarily in the areas   the ecosystem can become more sustainable. Flipkart
          of education, water conservation, skill development,   has reduced the amount of single-use plastic packaging
          health, community development, capacity building and   LQ LWV VHOOHU IXOÀOPHQWV E\
          employee volunteering.

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