Page 20 - Plastics News July 2021
P. 20



          Over a period of six months, a total of 30 tonnes of single-use and multi-layered plastic will be recycled to
          construct 15 houses in the Hubli-Dharwad region of Karnataka.

           f one remembers Mangaluru was one of among earlier   FRVW VKHOWHUV IRU WKH YXOQHUDEOH LQ VRFLHW\ µ FKLHI LPSDFW
          Icities to have adopted recycled plastic for making house   RIÀFHU RI WKH 3ODVWLFV IRU &KDQJH ,QGLD )RXQGDWLRQ  VD\
          and then it was Bamboo Projects’ that had constructed   Shifrah Jacobs. The houses are lighter and more durable
          recycled plastic house at a cost of Rs 4.5 Lakh, for a   than cement sheets or ply, can resist wind speeds of up to
          woman at Pachanady in Mangaluru.  Taking a clue further   120 km per hour, have no heating issues and will provide
          86 EDVHG SHUVRQDO FDUH FRUSRUDWLRQ .LPEHUO\ &ODUN ,QGLD   durability for close to 30 years. Along with improved
          KDV ODXQFKHG  3URMHFW *KDU  LQ SDUWQHUVKLS ZLWK WKH 3ODVWLFV   sanitization and safe living conditions, each house will
          for Change India Foundation to deliver sustainable housing   also generate livelihood opportunities for 30 waste
          facilities to on-ground waste collectors in India.    SLFNHUV HDFK GD\  ´'XULQJ WKHVH GLIÀFXOW WLPHV  ZH EHOLHYH
                                                                technology can be used for good and we are so pleased to
                                                                use it for positive impact by converting low value plastic
                                                                ZDVWH LQWR KRPHV µ VKH DGGV
                                                                Earlier in May, the company had contributed $2.5 million
                                                                (around Rs 18 crore) to support the ongoing national
                                                                efforts to combat the COVID-19 surge channeled through
                                                                LWV SDUWQHU 81,&()   6HUYLQJ ,QGLDQ FRQVXPHUV VLQFH
                                                                LQ D MRLQW YHQWXUH ZLWK +LQGXVWDQ 8QLOHYHU  .LPEHUO\ &ODUN
                                                                Lever, in 2017, with the unwinding of the JV, it started
                                                                independent operations in India with iconic brands like
                                                                Huggies, Kotex, Kleenex and Depend in portfolio, the
                                                                company’s goal is to bring the strength of its global brands
                                                                and  capabilities to build a high performing organization
                                                                in India.
                                                                Dhar adds, “At Kimberly-Clark, from innovative products to
          Over a period of six months, a total of 30 tonnes of single-  insightful solutions, we are on a continuous mission to lead
          use and multi-layered plastic will be recycled to construct
          15 houses in the Hubli-Dharwad region of Karnataka. Once   WKH ZRUOG LQ SURYLGLQJ WKH HVVHQWLDOV IRU D EHWWHU OLIH  :LWK
                                                                India being amongst the key focus markets for Kimberly-
          successful, the project will be extended to several other   Clark globally, we have been on a transformational journey
          parts of the country as well.
                                                                to enhance our footprint across the country, to bring our
          implement innovative solutions to improve our collective   the past two decades, the company has been diverting
          environment footprint. Our partnership with Plastics for   manufacturing waste to higher value alternatives and is
          Change India Foundation for Project Ghar is one such   DQ LQGXVWU\ OHDGHU  ZLWK D GLYHUVLRQ UDWH RI       ,W  DVSLUH
          initiative, which presents us with a unique opportunity   to be at the forefront of the transition to a circular, reuse
          towards delivering on our global sustainability vision and   economy – contributing to human and ecosystem health
          also makes a real difference in communities where we   by reducing waste, improving waste-handling systems and
          operate," Kimberly-Clark India Managing Director Mainak   innovating new ways of giving consumers the products
          Dhar said. In the partnership, channel partners like Ricron   they need. To expedite its move to more sustainable
          Panels will collect and convert the non-recyclable plastic   materials and processes, the company is  partnering with
          waste into sheets that are used as the building material   stakeholders across  value chain to drive innovation and
          for these houses. “Our aim is to convert recycled plastic   DFWLRQ  LQ  WKUHH  NH\  DUHDV   3DFNDJLQJ   3URGXFW   :DVWH
          waste into building materials that can be used to build low   management systems.

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